Meeting Women On The Beach
I live in heaven, well I live in Coogee so I suppose I'm not that far off anyway...
Take my word for it if you're not approaching women on the beach right now then you're missing out BIG TIME.
In fact you should be slapping yourself over the lost opportunities that walk on by you in bikinis, sunnies and sunscreen.
You're missing out my friend...
If you had the skills to approach that ...
would you? I'm pretty sure you'll jump up faster than Ivan Pedroso (2000 olympic champion) and approach that hottie if you only knew how yes? Firstly the mindset: "The beach is literally PACKED with attractive women during the day who are begging to be spoken to by confident men (like me)" Say this to yourself until you believe it.
This isn't a a lie...
Women WANT to be approached by men who "get it".
They want to talk to guys who can walk up to them and start an interesting conversation.
Most women dream of this in fact! A lot of women don't want to meet guys in bars.
I know women who go down to the beach just to look for guys to talk too..
they sun bake all day and not a single guy has the kohoners to walk up and start a conversation...
This is the sad truth...
Okay, so you're probably thinking now "okay Alex I get it! ...
I'm missing out and I want to start approaching more women on the beach...
but what do I say? and would they think I'm a pervert?" Well good question ...
Most men are afraid of approaching in this environment for fear of being labeled a pervert or a peeping tom.
Yes Bondi beach is full of them...
check this out: http://www.
pdf Click Here Now haha...
It's a laugh reading that...
Listen ...
If you look shady and like you're up to no good then it'll attract attention.
If you look like you're talking and creating an awesome vibe with people, making them laugh you will be very welcome and you'll create plenty of success for yourself.
So don't worry yourself with small things like this.
so what will you say? if you don't already have a default conversation starter then get one...
This is a MUST HAVE and it's crucial you practice it so it comes out well with good tonality.
Try to make it sound like you actually genuinely interested in knowing the answer (this will help it sound better) I use: "Hey guys I need a quick females perspective on this...
I can't stay long as I'm meeting a friend soon...
who do you think cheat more out of men and women?" This works for me about 98.
9898989% of the time...
It's my nuclear weapon in my arsenal when approaching HOT women.
Meeting Women @ The Beach -Quick Tips- * Keep it low key and don't try to be too high energy * Be more conversational and ask questions that promote conversation i.
e don't ask questions that can be answered with a "yes" or "no" * Dress to suit the environment i.
e wear thongs, t-shirt and shorts...
this will make people feel more comfortable, if you wear a suit they may think you're trying to sell them something...
not good as it creates instant resistance as soon as you open your mouth * DON'T wear sunnies when talking to people.
it's rude and makes people uneasy...
* Eye contact (I know you know this already right??) * Say "People at the beach are relaxed and so laid back I noticed" as this will set a frame for her/the group to follow * Aim your body language always on an angle away from her/the group * Always be closing, you could even suggest a coffee date then and there "Hey, I'm just about to grab a quick coffee over the road...
would you like to join me" if she says no ...
"That's cool, we I think it'll be fun if we caught up sometime here enter your digits I'll sms you" I'll speak to you soon!