Handling Anxiety When Approaching Women
This feeling can be milder for some while it can be debilitating for others.
If you are unable to handle this kind of feeling then the chances of you hooking up with the girl of your dreams are slim.
However, this anxiety should not serve as a hindrance.
Understand that it is natural for you to feel nervous about approaching a girl, considering that you are still new to the game.
To help you deal with the anxiety, here are some simple tips.
First off, you must understand that this feeling is natural.
In fact, anxiety before approaching a woman is indeed a good sign.
Why is it a good sign? It is because anxiety means that you are attracted to that person.
The more anxious you are the more attracted you are.
Moreover, some experts will consider this as chemistry.
Therefore, instead of running towards the opposite direction embrace the feeling and make the most of it.
Second, utilize it.
You can do nothing with anxiety because it is there to stay.
In fact, whenever you are really attracted to someone you will always feel anxious regardless of your experience when it comes to women.
Rather than letting this feeling hinder you, you might want to use it.
Instead of mauling over this anxiety, channel the feeling by flirting.
Anxiety can put you in a reactive state, when you are in that state then you can use anxiety and flirt around with her.
Third, stop thinking about appearing perfect before her.
This kind of mindset will only make you all the more nervous.
If you are really nervous, you will probably end up stuttering and sweating or not say a thing in front of her thus blowing all your chances.
Instead, consider it as meeting someone new.
Imagine that you are merely meeting someone and you do not have to be perfect because who knows, you may not see each other again.
These are just some of the ways that you can handle anxiety when approaching women.
However, it does not stop there and more can be found at my website.