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Accidents & personal injury Law : Law & Legal & Attorney

How dogs are man's most chosen pets

There are a number of reasons why man prefers dogs when it comes to making a selection from among the different pets. Some of the numerous reasons are that they are selfless, loving, obedient, loyal, ...

The Six Deadliest Causes Of Car Accidents

Vehicular accident is one of the biggest causes of death in almost all places around the world. The different types of vehicular accidents include rear impact or side impact which is quite common during heavy ...

Making Sure Your Car Accident Claim Runs Smoothly

If you have been involved in a car accident that wasn't your fault and have decided to make an accident claim for compensation for damage to your vehicle and any injury that you have suffered then you will probably want the claim to be processed as soon as possible. Whilst it is never advisable

5 Major Types of Accidents You Can Claim Compensation For

The myth that you are safe once away from the accident prone zone such as road or industry is proved when even the most innocent looking circumstances become the reason for the unforeseen accidents. Here are the 5 major types of accidents which might lead to claim for a compensation.

Damages Granted in Personal Injury Lawsuits

Personal injury accidents have become very common today because they are almost unavoidable. In this case, it is important to file a personal injury lawsuit to seek a compensation claim for damages caused. There various factors that determine the amount of compensation claim a case is worth. Factors

Factors That Establish a Wrongful Death Lawsuit

One aspect of a wrongful death lawsuit that necessitates the assistance of a qualified attorney is the evaluation of damages amount. Usually, the survivors of the victims may sue for the medical bills (if the departed victim managed to be treated in a hospital before he died) and burial expenses.

Avoiding Legal Potholes on Your E-Bike

When the weather warms up and the days get longer bicyclists can come out in force along with the crazy little scooter like things. The hard core cyclists wonder if they really must share the ...

Why Have a Car Accident Lawyer?

Having a good car accident lawyer on your side is a necessity, but not in all cases since it all depends on what your specific experience with a car accident has been. First of all, if you were in a c

Understanding the “Statute of Limitations’

If you have ever been involved in a personal injury claim you may have heard the term €statute of limitations'. Although the term is widely recognized, the limitations of the term vary by state with ...

Food Poisoning - Do You Have a Legal Claim?

Anyone who prepares food for others, especially those who do so on a commercial basis, has a duty of care to make and serve food that is both nutritionally acceptable, as well as considered to be fit for human consumption. Any food that is contaminated in anyway such as with glass or metal particles

The Best Personal Injury Lawyer- Classifying Torts

The best personal injury lawyer in town and his or her associates can certainly help you understand what torts, in a legal sense, mean. Personal injury cases almost always involve tort laws and civil procedures ...