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Blogging : Business & Finance

Final Steps Before Publishing Your WordPress Blog

You only get the chance to make a first impression one time. If you're like me, there's always one item I forget to complete when I create a new WordPress Blog, unless I make a list. So, here are a few "MUST DO" items before you publish your Word Press Blog to the Internet and ma

Getting Ready into Podcasting

If you are into audio thing and stuff and would love to explore the dynamic world of waving files and MP3s and MP4s, then Podcasting is just the right thing for you.With the current trend that is going right now, who would ever think that sound files that...

List of Content on Drupal Profiles

By default, Drupal profiles contain very little content or information. You can, however, use the Profile 2 module to create custom profile fields, giving you the ability to add any type of content to user profiles. The profile content list applies to both user profiles and administrator profiles.

Blogger's Survival Tips

What will it take for a blogger to survive the uncertain future ahead? Any avid blogger will tell you that blogging is very hard work, and there have been cases where bloggers have admitted to letting blogging disrupt their family life, friendships in the real world, finances and time.

Make Money Online With a Blog - Search Engine Rank

Making money online with a blog is very simple. It is not as hard as what most people think. People usually think you need thousands of subscribers and lots of social networking friends to make money online...

Busting The Myths About Competitors in Blogging

If you are finding a niche where you have little or no competitors, so that you can start a blog within the topic, you are taking the wrong steps. Find out why I think competitors are a good thing when it comes to blogging.

Blogging: What Is It?

You have heard the term blog, but what is it? If you have spent any time on the internet, chances are you have visited a blog. The term "blog" came from what was originally referred to as a web log. Initially, blogs were often an online diary or journal of opinions, events, or material rel

Do You Want to Pick Up a Highly Profitable Blogging Tip Today?

Many people set up websites and blogs and later wonder why their online ventures are not turning a profit. This is because these site and blog owners have not done sufficient research. This article shows you the steps to take when doing research to help you setup a highly profitable blog or mini sit

The Great Advantages Of Doing Online Blogging For Your Business

Business blogging has many advantages. It is a cost-efficient online marketing tool that increases your search engine optimization (SEO). SEO is fodder for online business especially for those of independent entrepreneurs who have small marketing budgets. SEO means online visibility.

Blogging For Dollars - Can We Talk? Can We Make Money?

Article tells the tale of a crafty young blogger who has learned to make his blogging pay for the hoped-for hot dates with schoolmates.He is also an aspiring body-builder, the niche in which he makes an income even without the workout!

How to Import My RSS XML File to My WordPress Blog

RSS, short for RDF site summary, is used to publish a website's work in a feed which users can subscribe to. These feeds are also embeddable on other websites, including ones utilizing WordPress' content management system. By aggregating content from a third-party website, you can ensure that yours

Make Money Online With Fixya

Fixya is an online venture launched which provides solutions to customers who are facing technical problems and troubleshooting on any product. It has been a growing website and has increased quite a lot of popularity. However, you can also earn money from Fixya. Fixya welcomes technical experts fro

British Citizens Dictating US Iraq Policies on the Blogs?

What gives when foreign citizens attempt to bad-mouth other countries on international news blogs? Why is it okay for a British Citizen to dictate US Policy? Recently a few foreign citizens have been condemning the United States Military who will not yield to International Terrorism or quit against

Cultivating Your Writing Style

Recently I did something I rarely do: I accepted a proofreading and editing job. I've got nothing against these tasks, but they don't give me much of a thrill.

17 Most Useful WordPress Plugins

WordPress has a very large number of free plugins that extends its functionality in every imaginable way. It's time consuming to sift through them all to find those that perform the tasks we need in a satisfactory way.