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Economics : Business & Finance
Next Super Country Is India, Not China?
Which will be the next super country, China or India? Many people say China makes magic economy, but India doesn't. But the others adopt opposite opinion.
General Motors Exit From Bankruptcy Delayed
There were some objections filed by bondholders of General Motors and it's labor unions to the automaker's latest plan to sell assets to a separate company that may soon come out from under bankruptcy protection. These objections filed by bondholders, shareholders, GM's labor union, r
They Call it Healthcare Reform?
Economists like Paul Krugman argue that the health care insurance system in California (and, by extension, everywhere) is in a "death spiral" that only the sweeping legislation proposed by Congress will solve. In other words, the solution to the "health care crisis" facing the na
Mesmerized by Melodic Rhetoric
"I've been through Y2K and I've been through 9/11. I have never seen people so afraid as what we are seeing right now," said gun shop owner Scott Moss recently.With more guns per capita - easily 250 million privately owned ones - and certainly more people in prisons than any othe
Money Printing Is Not Inflationary
After 6 years of Quantitative Easing, a fancy name for money printing, the US has little inflation to show for its efforts. You see it in the stock market to be sure, and also in certain food prices, but amazingly, many goods and services are falling in value. Is this even possible?
The Impossible Task of Balancing the United States Budget
As the United States faces growing deficits and nations around the world start tightening their fiscal policy, a lot of discussion has come up about balancing the United States budget. People are demanding fiscal responsibility which is causing people to start looking at the government books and fig
The History Of T-Shirts And Their Importance (Still) To The American Economy (And A Little Trivia)
The word "T-Shirt" is certainly no ordinary ice-breaker for conversation.But that might be because not many are aware of their importance in American History and current economics. This might surprise you.
2010 Trends in Economic Development
One of the biggest challenges of economic development is getting jobs into the area, and since we are in a jobless recovery, and the stimulus package whereas, it might have helped a little bit, it certainly is not providing very many jobs. Some economic development associations in some areas are try
Is India Prosperous Now
Liberalization and its brethren seem to have created astounding riches in India, as this year more Indians figure in Forbes than ever before. Does that make India a prosperous community? I have serious doubts, for my maid still lives under a thatched roof, eats roti with home-made mango pickle, and
Scrap Tire Pyrolysis Plants
Scrap tires are one of the major sources of waste. Tires are immune to biological decomposition. Durability and desirability of tires are a serious threat. One tire per person is dumped each day, which accumulates in major land areas. Water stored inside those materials helps mosquitoes to grow, the
Consumer Credit Card Crisis and Fast Food Foundations Are Falling
With consumers defaulting on their credit cards at an alarming rate, we seem to be seeing the bottoming out of many consumers, who always had considered themselves middle class, but are now realizing it was all a facade and indeed, they are living in the lower class. And if the credit card issue is
Drop Noted In Consumers' Financial Confidence
The nation's financial confidence has dipped slightly, a new study shows. In Nationwide's latest Consumer Confidence Index, people's assurance in the general state of the British economy fell by one point over the course of October to stand at 98.
Lego Blocks and the Financial Crisis
What does Lego have to do with our economic catastrophe? Join me in taking a metaphorical walk through time to help us all better understand our unique situation.
Revealing This Economic Conditions and Black Friday Sales
Through the various ads that have been previewed, it is expected that this year's deals will have a better response than many others. Many of the sales are showing larger discounts and percentages being taken off electronics, TVs and apparel. These Black Friday Sales are adding up to offer cons
Economic Collapse: How It Happens
While some of you are at the beach or on the golf course this week, enjoying hot weather and fun times, the European economy continues to encounter rough seas. Even if you're not one of those on vacation, you may have little or no interest in this subject. But it is one which, in conjunction wi
Economics and Politics of Regional Droughts
Droughts are becoming more severe, while water usage continues to climb. Large regional droughts take a huge toll on local economies. Learn more.
How to Invade and Destroy Venezuela in Under 10 Hours or Less
Is it possible to destroy the country of Venezuela and under 10 hours or less? Many military analysts from many different nations believe it is.The current president of Venezuela does not understand how vulnerable he is and how upset some nations are at his rhetoric.
The Banks Never Seem To Get It Right
Banks have always been the target of criticism. Recent economic events have fuelled perhaps unprecedented levels of derision, but whatever they do they cannot please all the people all the time. Here's why.
US Dollar Policy and the Central Bank
The amount of borrowing by Uncle Sam is not sustainable.It is taking 40% of the annual GDP just to make the interest payment on this debt.If the Federal Reserve, the Central Bank of the USA, were to print money to make these payments, or retire this debt, significant inflation is likely to occur.Thi
The Upside of the Recession
A recession unleashes an enormous force of change. It's also part of a natural business cycle, so we always know that one is coming, and after that, there will be more prosperity. Here are some practical ideas to ride out the storm and turn it into your advantage.