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Economics : Business & Finance

You Are Being Ripped-off! The 2008 Mortgage Scandal

A new Government report has predicted that the current tightening of the mortgage market will last until 2010. Predictably, the brains behind the report have stated that the current situation has led to the drop in house prices, and will inevitably lead to more repossessions - thanks for stating the

World Financial Crisis Saga?I Think Not!

Many are guarding their every cent yet others are making hay & money while the sun shines. Online home business is in the middle of a boom. Catch the wave or be left behind.

The Economy - Excuse Me For Gloating

Most business people and citizens are so busy complaining about the economy they are missing the obvious opportunities that are all around them. It's too bad they cannot see the great potential staring them in the face. Over the years, we've all watched the economy go up and down. Sometime

Survey Says - Increase Intimacy, Not Fees

It isn't news to anyone that we're in a tough and uncertain economy. Nor is it news that business is slow. The real question is, what can lawyers do today to weather this economy? According to a Special Client Advisory released by Hildebrandt and summarized in yesterday's AmLaw Daily,

The Laissez-Faire Garden

I have a friend who is very good at gardening. In the summer he brings me some of the biggest, freshest tomatoes I have ever had the pleasure of eating. And his cucumbers are so nice and crispy you can put a little salt on them and eat them raw.

Brazil's Economy Moving Forward Again

At the start of 2013 a number of experts were suggesting a significant slowdown of the Brazilian economy which has for some time been the centre stone of the Latin American revival. Some experts were predicting economic growth for 2013 as low as 0.9% although after a revival in the first part of 201

The Reason Johnny Lost His Job

I've found in life that just about anything the government has a hand in, is bound to get screwed up. I've seen people freaking out that the unemployment rate has gone up to 5.7%.

The Euro and The European Union - A Second Wake Up Call

Lately it is easy to find news about the relation between Italy and the Euro for example this one: Italy's love affair with the euro is due to cool Italy seems to be struggling with the euro and with its own economy. It appears to be the case that the Italian economy is especially vulnerable f

The Business Cycle and the Economy

America businesses are looking at an increase in prices, a decrease in output, and a decrease in the number of employees. Economic policy makers must interpret and react to fluctuations in the business cycle in order regain economic stability.

If the Workers at DHL Had Accepted Union Representation

Any candidate for public office should, endeavour to respond to each and every one of the emails, comments and letters that they receive in a thorough as well as in a timely manner. Due to the nature and subject matter of some of requests one is not always able to do so.

Treasury Reorganization - Recession Response or Red Herring?

On March 31st, the Treasury Department announced a new plan to help the troubled financial sector weather the sub-prime mortgage storm. This new system replaces some agencies while redrawing the jurisdictions of existing authorities like the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Federal Reserve

Will the Euro Currency Bloc Fail?

Twenty-seven European nations currently belong to the European Union, a loosely-woven partnership designed to empower Europe's competitiveness with the United States, China, and India. Sixteen of the EU's member nations have adopted the euro as their official currency, and five other Europ

Will More Regulations Solve the Housing Problem?

With the government's overreaction to the financial crisis, there are thousands of pages of new regulations covering the investment banking, mortgage lending, loan servicing, student loan, credit card, and every other financial industry. All of these new rules will create more burdens on consum

When Europe's Economy Does Fully Implode Who Else Will It Take Down With It?

Some folks have stated that it is possible that Europe can get through this economic crisis without imploding, but I tend to disagree with that assessment. And each time the EU works to shore up one of its challenges in its banking sector, with its currency, or in negotiation with one of the countri

Expect a New Major Business "Benchmark", "Gift Card Tuesday"

In the past "Black Friday" (the day after Thanksgiving when businesses finally go into the black) has been one of the biggest benchmarks of how the economy is fairing.Recently, Cyber Monday has grown in importance and now there is a new benchmark that could become the the most important of

House Passes Financial Reform Bill

On December 11th, 2009 the U.S. House of Representatives passed legislation could rewrite the rules governing financial markets and dramatically curtail the power of the Federal Reserve. If enacted, this proposed legislation would bring about the biggest changes to our financial system since the Gre

Special Update - Is AIG Worth It?

The markets are showing another vote of no confidence today, with rising concerns on more bank problems and ANOTHER AIG bailout. The federal government announced yet another new plan to save A.I.G.

Strategic Petroleum Reserve - Effects on Economy

The Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) is the largest reserve of oil in the world.The United States started the SPR in 1975 after oil supplies were cut off during the 1973-1974 oil embargo to mitigate future disruptions to the nations oil supply.Decisions by the Bush administration since 2001 could h