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Economics : Business & Finance

Socio-Economic Impacts of Illicit Drug Trade in Afghanistan

Illicit drug trade became widespread and pervasive during the post conflict period in Afghanistan. Although opium cultivation was at its lowest level, 7,606 hectares, after Taliban had introduced a ban in 2001, the cultivation reached the record height of 224,000 hectares in 2014, despite the presen

Econ 101 - The $1 McDonald's Menu

I hadn't eaten at McDonald's for several months; I have lost 20lbs in the past seven weeks; I decided yesterday that I had earned myself the privilege of a one cheeseburger meal for lunch.Not a two cheeseburger meal, not a big mac + a chocolate shake meal - a ONE cheeseburger meal...

Not Your Grandparents Government - The Public Sector Needs You

Unless you live in California, you may not have heard the announcement today that the state is currently facing a $16 billion shortfall in revenues for the next fiscal year. Tax revenues fell short of rosy politically motivated estimates, and spending has increased above expectations. The budget dea

Simple Ways To Trim Down Fat In Your Diet

Individuals who regularly walk are walking for significantly longer distances without tiring. Voluntary Deductible: Voluntary deductible is the repair cost the policy-holder decides to cover in case a claim arises.my blog post; Trim Down Club

Sub-Prime Woes To Hurt More Than Just The City Boys

To those who haven't been around for the past couple of weeks the stock markets have been going through absolute turmoil.The fall out from the sub-prime lending market in the United States has had ramifications not only in the United States but across the global financial system.How long this c

Making the Right Decisions in an Uncertain World

It is often said in these times that Economics and more frequently Economists are not able to predict what is happening in the world. The chaos that is happening all around the world in financial markets appears to confirm this belief. But in fact there is a great deal we can learn from the study of

Congestion at Nigerian Sea Ports

Solving the problem of congestion at the nation's sea ports will enhance businesses at the ports. This will benefit both the government in terms of port revenues, and businesses will find transactions easier there.

Secrets to Survive If it is 2 Years Before the Economy Bottoms and Rebounds

Harvey Pitt, former chairman of the SEC, stated that it could be up to 2 years before the economy bottoms and then rebounds. At the same time, Christina Romer, the head of the White House Council of Economic Advisers, says she is "incredibly confident" that President Obama's stimulus

Why We Need a Free Trade Agreement with Peru ASAP!

We need to secure a Free Trade Agreement with Peru to keep them out of the awaiting fate of Venezuela and Bolivia as those economies crumble due to their communist leanings and anti-capitalist points of view.

Road Construction and Infrastructure Repairs? Not Now, Bad Move

Some politicians are calling for up-grading and repairing our infrastructure. Indeed that is a smart idea, as any time you improve the flows of your civilization you get back 10-fold in efficiency. But in the interim you often cause bottlenecks during construction and actually harm the flows and eff

Capitalism Redux - Darwin Revisited

'Survival of the fittest' is not what happens in nature. Instead, it gives us wrong notions about what it takes to survive. As Darwin observed, "It is not the strongest of the species that survives nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to cha

The Prophecy

They say all good things must end, Autumn leaves must fall and in an age of uncertainty that phrase holds a lot of truths. Unbeknownst to millions of Americans lies in wait a monumental sociological and economic upheaval the likes of which many younger generations have only read about in their histo

It's Time For the 2009 Coachella Valley Economic Report - To What Avail?

The Coachella Valley is in Riverside County in Southern California. In this county, and you might know it because Palm Springs is in the same Valley, there are now nearly 500,000 residents during the peak season. The peak season being the wintertime as the temperature is about 70 to 75-degrees all w

Downtown Revitalization and Parking Planning

When planning a downtown revitalization project the goal is to get people to come back to downtown and shop and spend money. Due to issues such as urban flight many people have moved into the suburbs and new businesses have sprung up there. Many lower income people have been stuck in the city with f

The Economy of China

China is the third largest economy in the world, after the United States of America and Japan, having a nominal GDP of US$3.42 trillion in terms of exchange rate. The International Monetary Fund classifies China's per capita income at about $7,800, from the point of view of purchasing power par

Mattress Cash

I'm sure that we have all heard our grandparents' age-old advice to hide our cash in the mattress for safe-keeping.Here is why we should not, as wise as they are, take that advice to heart.

It's Just A Plastic Part - Why Not Buy It In China?

Many think that off shore manufacturing costs less. Follow along as we enumerate the issues involved in having plastic parts molded overseas. This Article by one of the few women CEO's in the Plastic Injection Industry covers Financial, Political, Intellectual Property and Environmental conside

The US Economic Review - August 2010

The latest numbers for the lagging US economy are disappointing. With the chances of a double-dip rising from the previous 15 percent to the 25 percent currently, the analysts are of the opinion that the Fed chief is buying time and adopting a wait & watch policy rather than charting a definite plan