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Languages : Society & Culture & Entertainment

How to Say I Love You In Tagalog Language

Had a Filipina girlfriend? Whether you are planning on courting the one you like or you already had one, you could impress her by saying I love you in her own language and it is easy! This could also melt her heart when she's mad at you.

Akku Hp Pavilion N5221

Darüber hinaus ist die Lithium-Ionen-Akku fast kein "Memory-Effekt" und die Vorteile von nicht-toxischen Substanzen ist auch wichtig, weil es eine weit verbreitet ist, hat ein höheres Gewicht,

Départir - to accord

Learn how to conjugate départir, an irregular -ir French verb.

Taking Up German Lessons

Wouldn’t it be interesting to learn different languages other than your native tongue? These days, we are privileged to learn different cultures and languages that we want as there are courses and lessons offered.

Seven Types of Nonverbal Communication

Nonverbal communication is important with children who cannot speak yet.Mimi Haddon/Lifesize/Getty ImagesReading someone by their actions and emotions is a tool that everyone uses each day without thought. Being able to identify what a person is thinking or feeling, without having to...

un tamis

What does the French word tamis mean? How is it pronounced and used?

How to Write Farsi

In this article, you will learn how to write the basic Farsi alphabet as well as how to connect individual letters into words. Be warned--this is not an easy undertaking, so do not fret if you feel there is too much information to get in one go. With a little practice, you will be a master at writ

Faux amis - Z

Words that look very similar in French and English might have very different meanings, so watch out for these false cognates.

The Tell-Tell Signs of Someone Lying

The need to judge whether a person is being truthful comes into play daily for some professionals like those in law enforcement, security personnel, jury consultants and immigration officers. The ability to determine truthfulness can have a great bearing on our personal and work relationships as wel