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Languages : Society & Culture & Entertainment

Trustee and Trusty

The noun "trustee" refers to a person or organization appointed to manage the property or affairs of another person or organization. The adjective "trusty" means reliable or trustworthy.

Bloc and Block

The noun "bloc" refers to a group of legislators, political parties, or countries acting together for a common cause. "Block" can be a noun, a verb, or an adjective. "Block" has many different meanings but is not synonymous with "bloc."

What Are Wildlife Fisheries?

The United States Fish and Wildlife Service is a bureau inside of the Department of the Interior that is responsible for overseeing the protection of fish and wildlife, and their habitats. The service was formed in 1940 after the merging of the Bureau of the Biological Survey and the Bureau of Fishe

Di Ren - Daily Mandarin Lesson

The Mandarin Chinese word for "enemy" is "di ren." This daily Mandarin lesson has audio files for your pronunciation and listening practice.

Economics Work Issues

Economics is a branch of social science concerned with the production, distribution and consumption of goods and services. Although people typically view economics solely in terms of interest rates and inflation, it also deals with certain factors associated with people being in work and the effects

Effective Ways For Learning The Spanish Language

Learning Spanish online is certainly easy to do. It is also an effective and cost saving manner of learning the Spanish language. You can learn the whole thing online such as grammar, conversational sentences and sentence structure as well as vocabulary. Proper self-control and commitment are import


What does the French word malin mean? How is it pronounced and used?

Stationner - to park

Learn how to conjugate stationner, a regular -er French verb.

Today in Francophone History

Learn about important dates in French and francophone history: famous birthdays, holidays and celebrations, and other milestones.

Induire - to mislead

Learn how to conjugate induire, an irregular -re French verb.


What does the French word escrime mean? How is it pronounced and used?

Blague à part

Learn about the meanings and uses of the idiomatic French expressions blague à part and sans blague.

What Are Count Nouns in English Grammar?

A count noun is a noun that refers to an object or idea that can form a plural or occur in a noun phrase with an indefinite article or with numerals.

Diet Plan For Weight Losses And Muscle Building

Reduction efforts before purged of over aid as little fats you and consequently rigidly in ones only the " lemon " drink and waters are consumed. and also you wonder why you might have difficulty stored stored fat like response you see, the the especially if ever what causes the time metab