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Depression : Health & Medical

Depressed People Smoke More, Quit Less

CDC: Depressed people are more likely to smoke, smoke more heavily, quit less easily, and grab a cigarette sooner after waking than nonsmokers.

Natural Treatment For DepressionWhat Will Work For You

Depression has been defined in so many times and in so many ways. Although the explanation for this condition is not universal, one thing is certain-it is a serious condition that can greatly affect a person's life. Although some prescription medications are present, natural treatment for depre

Is Your Health Getting in the Way of Your Happiness?

In the pursuit of happiness it's very easy to neglect your physical body and to ignore the impact that your health is having on your ability to achieve and maintain a happiness and a successful life. As adults, we spend a lot of time trialling various behaviours that may lead to short term feel

Depression Support: What Steps To Take

Proper treatment of depression can completely change your life. Treatment of depression not only needs medication but also depression support and therapy. You can not treat depression with your own efforts. The treatment comes in the form of depression support from friends and loved ones.

Tag Teaming Depression

For seniors with depression, collaborative care -- teaming a nurse, doctor, and specialist -- doubles the effectiveness of therapy.

5 Tips to Avoid Postpartum Depression - Supplements and Alternative Therapy

Postpartum Depression, classified as a moderate to severe depression that occurs in a woman after she has given birth, occurs in 10% to 20% of postnatal women. An overwhelming, 80% of women will experience some level of postpartum mood instability, the mildest of which is called the "baby blues

Feeling Hopeless? Read This!

Do you feel like just throwing in the towel sometimes? Maybe you've been trying to beat depression for a while now with little or no results. Or, you research how to treat anxiety and try your best to calm your nerves, but nothing seems to give you peace. Perhaps a situation in your life has go

Depression in Children and Teens

Find WebMD's comprehensive coverage of depression in children and teens including medical reference, news, pictures, videos, and more.

Can I Beat Depression?

Depression is the most treatable mental illness. With a few simple daily lifestyle choices, some help from friends, family and the medical community, and of course yourself, you can beat depression.

What to Expect With an OCD Test

This article talks about at home tests that can be done to see if you have Ocd. You will also learn about what the test is like if you have it done by a professional doctor. You will also learn about diagnosis and treatments for Ocd.

Your Diet Affects the Development of Depression

Having depression can be quite... well... depressing. Pardon the lack of an appropriate expression, but the main thing is that we all know that depression can be pretty devastating. It is a hindrance to our social advancement as well as to our personal happiness.

Herbs For Depression - Are They Effective?

Many people in an attempt at treating depression that has gone on for years attempt to incorporate herbs into their depression treatment programs. The hope is to get the same efficacy of medications for treating depression without as many side effects. However, no current methods of treating depress

A Brief Discussion on Some Types of Depression

Depression is a common psychological problem in modern life. Aside from that fact, there are not many people who know that depression comes in different types that can be determined by observing its symptoms, the duration and the cause of the depression's symptoms.

Natural Help For Depression Instead of Drugs

If you're looking for natural help for depression, then you're probably aware of the dangers of prescription drugs. In this article, you'll learn more about the side effects and how to choose a natural solution that will lift your mood and help you get your mojo back.

Fetzima Side Effects Profile

Learn more about the common and not-so-common side effects associated with the FDA-approved antidepressant Fetzima.