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Depression : Health & Medical
There Are Many Famous People With Manic Depression
There are many famous people with manic depression so if you have depression you are in good company. You are not alone. They have gone on to live amazing lives and so can you.
Male Depression - Recognize the Signs!
Although men are "supposed" to be rough and tough and not show their emotions, male depression definitely exists. Do you know the signs and symptoms? Read on to find out more and see if you or someone you love is at risk!
Depression And Alcoholism - Do Treatment Centres Work?
Alongside drug addiction, alcohol dependency is one of the world's major addiction problems. Though drinking alcohol can briefly bring forth a state of relaxation and relief, excessive intake might lead to symptoms of depression and worse, addiction. People might initially believe that alcohol
The Depression Spiral - How To Beat It
A person who is depressed, will completely exhaust all energy asking questions about their problem, and try in vain to search for possible solutions. After a short amount of time, a nearly indestructible bond can form between creating a never-ending flow of actions and new negative thoughts. Depress
Depression - Sexual Urges Rejected
Why are fellow sufferers the best people to talk too. They may not have the cure but what they do have is understanding of what you are going through. Talk to your doctor.
Severe Anxiety Disorder - So What Is It, - Why Is ItDifferent To A Mild Panic Attack?
Is severe anxiety disorder anda panic attack the same thing? No they are not the same. Can you control this disorder? The good news is yes. There is a techniqueI want to go over firstly, the symptoms that generally occur with an attack, then I will explain why mild anxiety turns in to a SEVERE disor
How to Help With Postpartum Depression
Millions of parents go through postpartum depression. This is mostly a condition with women but there are some men that will go through the depression linked to the time after the baby's birth. The whole reason it is so common with women because of the sudden change in hormones; this can be ver
Jobless Depression Is More Common In Men Than Women
Jobless depression is more common in men, because the male dominant industries lost most jobs, and for men their job is their identity. What is the difference in impact of unemployment for men and women, and the difficulties of socializing when unemployed and depressed. Is anti-depressant medication
Ayurvedic Cure for Depression
Depression, clinical depression or major depressive disorder is a mental state of chronic despair or sadness. The person suffering from depression retires from active social life and spends time in isolation, further worsening the condition.
Fighting Depression Through Setting Goals
Two of the most devastating aspects of depression are the loss of motivation and the despair. It takes energy and drive even to think of identifying goals and setting targets to achieve them when you are feeling depressed. However, as soon as you feel able, this step is a necessary part of recovery
Double Depression: Definition, Symptoms, Treatment, and More
WebMD explains what double depression is, who is at risk, and how it's treated.
Treatments For Depression
When it comes to the treatments for depression you will find that you can use several different forms of treatment to help you get over your depression. The reason why it is so important that you get help to treat your depression is because you may begin to unravel and lose control of your actions.
Dreams May Hold Key to Beating Depression
Divorced and Blue? When Your Ex Plays Minor Dream Role, You're Healing
Natural Mood Enhancer Supplements
What is 5 HTP Mood Enhancer? The Griffonia Extract is rich in 5-HydroxyTryptophan (5-HTP), which comes from an African vegetable, the Griffonia simplicifolia seed, and contains 30% 5–HTP. 5-HTP is an amino acid that is a direct precursor of serotonin, an important neurotransmitter having pain
Walk Away the Blues
Exercise is a powerful antidepressant, studies show. It can work even better than drugs.
Symptoms and Prevalence of Depression
Depression is a disorder that seems to be increasing rapidly in our society. Gain an understanding of some of the roots that lead to this painful problem. There is hope.
How to Beat Your Depression Now
If you find that you aren't enjoying normal activities as much as you used to, then you may be clinically depressed. Other signs of depression include change in sleep and eating habits, feelings of hopelessness, and even thoughts of suicide. It's important that if you are experiencing any
Depression - Medications for Effective Treatment
Here are some of the most prevalent medications available for depression. Most of the treatment options mentioned below are widely available. You will not have any problems finding any of these medications or treatments through your doctor.
Cutting and Burning Your Body Makes You Feel Worse
You have to be a hero and bear life the way it is. If things here are so bad and everything is so difficult, it doesn't mean that there is nothing good in this world and you are condemned to only suffer while you live. You must correct what is wrong and transform everything according to what wi