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Depression : Health & Medical
5 Tips for Finding a Child Psychologist
Finding a psychologist for your child with depression can be a confusing process. These five tips can help you to find a good fit for your child and the whole family.
List of Major Symptoms of Depression
Understanding these symptoms are very significant in the better treatment of depression. The first step in the treatment has got to be identifying if the person is suffering from depression or not. Many of these symptoms can be seen in the day to day life of every person.
5 Easy Ways To Fight Depression
Most people nowadays are having difficult, troubled and extremely stressed times and it's easy to find yourself depressed. Depression doesn't choose its victim. In addition to getting help from your doctor or therapist, here are some things that you can do to feel better.
Mild Depression Symptoms - Early Warning Signs That You Have to Know
Clara M. started to feel sad more often. She realized that it wasn't so easy any more to get herself out of the 'blues'. Perhaps she began to feel early mild depression symptoms.
Antidepressants May Up Fracture Risk
Daily use of certain antidepressants called SSRIS doubles the risk of bone fractures in adults 50 and older, a new study shows.
New shock therapy procedure works with fewer side effects.
Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) can be an effective treatment for depression, particularly when other treatments have failed, but the memory loss associated with it makes some people afraid.
Am I Really Depressed?
There are many reasons for people to show signs of depression. It can be a short-term condition based on some kind of devastating event. They can also be a chronic condition that is due to a chemical process that creates the condition.
Your Must Know Guide to Severe Depression Treatment
A friend of mine had to be admitted to hospital and was given ECT as she was on the verge of a mental collapse after her boyfriend left her. The results of that severe depression treatment were long lasting and devastating and she became a bitter and rather difficult person.
Is It True That Herbs May Not Be As Potent As Their Labels Claim?
Q: Is it true that herbals may not be as potent as their labels claim?
The End of All Your Pain and Suffering - Depression and Neurosis Cure Through Dream Translation
If you only suffer from depression or neurosis, it is guaranteed that you will be cured following the guidance of the wise unconscious mind in only 2 to 8 months of therapy. If you suffer from graver mental illnesses, you will be cured too, but your psychotherapy will delay somehow or a lot longer,
Re-marriage After Divorce- Weighing The Odds
Here because of a bad experience with marriage, you would have developed a lot of beliefs consciously or unconsciously. These beliefs are based out of your own judgements about your ownself and about marriage as a concept and about the role of your partner. It is very critical to rationally check th
Depression Counseling
If you think you are suffering from depression, you should see a doctor immediately. Only doctors are the ones who can diagnose depression and can give you appropriate treatment.
How To Overcome Depression?
Depression can happen to anyone, even to the best of us. At some point in our lives, we experience sadness, grief, anguish, hopelessness. The reasons behind can be real or imagined.
All About Anger Management New York City
Anger is one of the traits that everyone possesses. Degree of being angry varies from person to person as some has more and some has more anger. What matters is that how one manages ones anger. In case you think you need guidance in this regards, thus all you need to do is to hire the services of An
7 Things Lawyers Can Do To Break the Bonds of Depression
Lawyers suffer from depression at twice the rate of the general population. Here are 7 tips from a lawyer with depression about how they recover from it.
Growing Old Getting You Down? How To Have Fun No Matter How Old You Are!
Although none of us can stay young forever, there is absolutely no reason why we should let getting old get us down. Even if you don't feel as lively as you use to is no excuse to let getting old get in your way of loving life and those around you. You need to help yourself keep a good attitude
Depressed? You May Be More Likely to Develop Heart Disease
It's enough to break your heart. As if being depressed weren't bad enough on its own, a new study shows that depression may substantially increase your risk of getting heart disease.
The Warning Signs of Suicide
When depression gets out of hand and left untreated, this may lead into a more serious problem and the worst consequence could be suicide.It has been estimated by experts that 80 percent of all suicide attempts stem from depression.
Depression - Finding The Right Medication
It used to be that a person with depression had to live with it for the rest of his life or they were labelled by society as just being bitter or paying the price for a sinful life.Modern medicine makes it possible for depressed people to get better.