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Depression : Health & Medical

Low Testosterone Is the Root-Cause of Depression

Why is it that the doctors in the west always and routinely prescribe drugs when there are natural remedies available? Take depression for example which is a mental illness that almost every thinking person suffers from at some stage or other in their life. Depression is mostly resolved by exercise

An Overview of Depression

A comprehensive overview of depression, including the varieties as well as their diagnosis and treatment.

Depression Information

Depression information is essential to cure a person suffering from depression disorder. To cure a disease, the cause and symptoms have to be known.

Depression Treatment Facilities

Every year more than 15 million US residents deal with Depression. Regardless of these kinds of figures, depression is not an ordinary part of existence, no matter how old you are, sex, or even overall health. The good news is that major depression is very curable.

How We All Can Sleep Better

We talk about the pillars of good health being good diet and both strength and cardio exercise. But perhaps we should add another pillar, because without it you can eat a perfectly healthy diet and be as fit as a world-class athlete and still run into many health issues. Of course we're talking

Depression Signs Go Beyond Typical Teen Behavior

Adolescents may experience ups and downs as they make the transition into adulthood. If a teen exhibits behaviors beyond typical moodiness, however, s/he may be suffering from adolescent depression.

Staying Positive While Depressed

Depression is a common condition; an estimated 10 percent of Americans will suffer from depression at some time in their lives. The key to overcoming depression irregardless of the severity is staying positive. I found three tricks that helped me stay positive while depressed: maintain a journal, ta

What Do You Do With a Depressed Teenager?

There are a number of things that a parent can do in order to ease the stress or help their teenage son or daughter deal with their depression. The most important thing to do is to be there for them.

Common Symptoms Of Depression

Today I want to list some of the symptoms of depression. It is estimated that at least 10 per cent of the worlds population are suffering with the effects of depression at any given time. Depression is a serious illness that affects everyone in different ways but almost always disrupts everyday livi

Effective Treatment for Depression By Home Remedy

Depression is a serious medical illness that involves the brain. It affects the way a person eats and sleeps, the way one feels about oneself.Read the article for effective home remedies for depression treatment.

Alleviate Anxiety Attacks - 6 Tips

Anxiety is something that many people face on a daily basis.It can have a strong affect on you and your daily life if you do not learn to manage it.Take the anxiety tips listed in this article into consideration so you can move on with your day pleasantly.

So You Are A Victim To Severe Anxiety Disorder, You Do Not Have To Be- Find Out!

Severe anxiety disorder, you would not believe how many times a week I hear about someone who has this condition.There are so many NEW victims to this disorder it is actually terrifying. The thing that bothers me so much is this is not a terminal illness, or something you have to just put up with. P

Depression Causes

There are many theories about depression causes but nobody knows exactly what they are. We do know that we all have a different level of vulnerability to the development of depression. This may be due to our genetic make up or how we see the world, or it may depend on the different stresses and diff

Have The Signs Of Clinical Depression - Need Some Advice?

Depression sucks right? If you are here then you have signs of clinical depression, or know someone who does and you can relate straight away to the condition of depression and its effect on yourself and those around you. The worst thing is there seems to be no easy way out of it.

Striving For A Depression Free Life

Helping others who are less fortunate promotes positive feelings within a person which in turn helps to eliminate depression.