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Divorce & marriage Law : Law & Legal & Attorney

Legal Separation Vs. Divorce in Washington

For some couples in difficult marriages, religious beliefs or financial issues raise barriers to divorce. For these spouses, a legal separation can provide legal protection against financial exploitation, and settle custody disputes, while keeping the couple's marriage intact.

Equitable Servitude Law in California

"Equitable servitude" is a term used in law pertaining to real property, or real estate, to describe a situation where a legally enforceable condition exists concerning the use --- both present and future --- of a piece of land or property.

Facts About Battered Women

Facts about battered women underscore how commonplace the problem is across the globe. In addition to being widespread, abuse against women is exceptionally violent.

Suspicion of Domestic Abuse

Q. My fiance's ex is living with an abusive boyfriend, and there is concern as to his daughter in that living situation. She has full custody, but what can my fianc do to make sure his daughter is safe and in a better living environment?

Do it Yourself Georgia Divorce

If you and your spouse have serious disagreements about whether to get divorced, or how to divide your property and who should get the kids, then you should probably consult a divorce attorney. But, if the two of you agree, then do-it-yourself divorce might be for you. Georgia is one of the few stat

The Collaborative Divorce Process - 5 Reasons Why it is Better Than Litigating

The collaborative divorce process has gained national attention during the past several years as more efficient, collegial, and cost effective way to obtain a divorce. Five reasons why include the fact that a collaborative divorce takes less time, costs less, is less contentious, gives you more cont

VA Benefits for Divorced Spouses

Several VA benefits terminate upon divorce.veteran image by araraadt from Fotolia.comVeterans benefits, commonly referred to as VA benefits, are a form of disability compensation which can be affected when a spouse receiving VA benefits gets divorced. The impact of divorce on VA benefits...

A Child Support Attorney Can Help You Collect Back Child Support in Lump Sum

Are you not receiving child support from your ex-spouse in spite of the stringent laws on the books concerning child support that are contained with the Colorado Revised Statutes, in Articles 13 and 14? Child support laws are based on the fact that regular payments are in the best interest of the ch

How to File for Divorce in Massachusetts

The procedure for filing for divorce in Massachusetts varies slightly depending on whether your case is contested or uncontested. This determines what documents are filed with the court and what steps must be taken afterward. However, once your divorce is filed and the process is begun, a contested

Separation Agreement - Settling Things Fairly

Nothing is really permanent in this world and sometimes, even marriages break down and fall apart. In Ireland, when a married couple has agreed to live separately and have agreed to terms regarding the separation, they can enter a separation agreement. Because this is an agreement, this means the tw

Divorce Laws in Arizona

Divorce laws in Arizona contain most of the same provisions as those in the other 49 states. However, each state has very specific laws governing divorce and issues of child custody and support, and Arizona has laws that are unique to the state. Some of these include the grounds on which divorce is

How to Get a Divorce and Child Support in Michigan

Before a divorce can be granted in Michigan, the judge must find that the marriage is irretrievably broken so that the couple can no longer live together. The process can take as little as 60 days if the couple has no minor children. If the couple has minor children, then there is a waiting period o

How to File for a Divorce in New Hampshire

Divorce is not just about dissolving a marital union, it often involves splitting property, belongings and dealing with child custody. With so many complicated elements, filing for divorce can be a difficult process. In New Hampshire, the divorce and separation process is the same whether you're fil

Division of Assets

There are many complexities to divorce, but one of the most controversial parts of a divorce settlement is making arguments for the division of assets. The decision is primarily based on the individual circumstances of the union and can have many different outcomes. It is hard to predict the outcome

Divorce: 3 Ways To Save On Attorney's Fees

When you are paying someone a couple hundred dollars per hour to help you, it only makes sense to save yourself as much of their time as you can. Here are some tips that you can use to help yourself in your divorce.

New Hampshire Uncontested Divorce Requirements

Tokens of divorce and woman divorced image by Ivonne Wierink from Fotolia.comIn an uncontested divorce, both spouses agree to the grounds for divorce, their financial settlement, and, if the couple has children, custody arrangements. In New Hampshire, couples in an...

What Happens During Immigration Proceedings If You File for Divorce?

U.S. citizenship, permanent residence or entrance visas are often acquired through marriage. While in some cases filing for divorce during immigration proceedings might result in loss of status and deportation, in others it has little or no significance.

The Saskatchewan Family Law Act

In 1994, the Government of Saskatchewan established a Family Law Division so specially-appointed judges could hear all family law matters in provincial courts. As of 2010, courts adjudicated family law cases in Regina, Saskatoon and Prince Albert.

How to Liquidate Assests for Divorce

One of the primary elements of a divorce case is dividing the assets of the marriage between the parties. The division of assets occurs in one of two different ways. In some cases, the spouses are able to negotiate a settlement, including dividing the assets. In other cases the judge issues an order