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Divorce & marriage Law : Law & Legal & Attorney

California Divorce Requirements

Requirements for obtaining a divorce in and woman divorced image by Ivonne Wierink from Fotolia.comIf you are in a marriage or domestic partnership in the state of California and have decided the marriage or partnership is not working, you may choose to file for a divorce....

Information on California Divorce Records

Looking up public records at government departments in general will be a challenge to most of us but trying to find a Divorce Record in California at their Office of Vital Records will be a test of character in black-belt proportions. Those who have tried are likely to opine that if you are able to

Getting an Uncontested Divorce

Though divorce can be a difficult, arduous process for many couples, it does not always have to be. For couples who can approach a divorce in a professional, business-like manner, or who have few assets and no children to consider, an uncontested divorce can be a quick, relatively pain-free way to g

What Is the Divorce Process in Michigan?

Michigan grants "no fault" divorces. This means that neither party has to responsible for the breakdown of a marriage before it can be dissolved. An uncontested divorce can be finalized in as little as 60 days but a contested divorce, in which the parties cannot agree on child issues, property or ot

Two Common Divorce Mistakes to Avoid at All Costs

The more you are aware of common divorce mistakes and actively work to minimize them, the smoother your life after divorce. This family law advice article will tackle two integral divorce mistakes of an emotional nature. These lapses in judgment may seem obvious but are still at the top of the list

Free Divorce Records Or Paid Divorce Records?

If you're in search of divorce records, you're in luck. You can actually get them free but yes, of course there's a catch. Otherwise, why would the majority of people ultimately end up paying for them? Free Divorce Records or Paid Divorce Records, they each serve their purpose and the

Getting a Divorce Due to Domestic Violence

The hardest thing about getting a divorce for domestic violence is admitting the problem. Many times both the victim and the perpetrator will be unwilling to come to terms with the problem. However, by recognizing the cycles of violence and taking action to end the relationship you will be able to p

How Does Adoption Work?

It gives the adopting parent /s all the rights and responsibilities of a legal parent, and the child being adopted all the emotional, social and legal rights and responsibilities of a family member. A person entering adoption has to keep a few things in mind before he can begin, It is always better

Child Custody and the Primary Caretaker Preference

The concept of the primary careftaker preference became very popular in the law of a number of the states of the United States during the 1980s.It has since been the subject of a great deal of academic debate.The way that it plays out in the court rooms across the country has also led to the formati

How to Contest a Divorce Separation Agreement

A couple can write a separation agreement that temporarily sets forth the terms of their relationship after separation and before divorce. Additionally, the couple may choose to write their own separation agreement that the state court can approve as the couple's final divorce judgment. It may be ea

How to Get Divorced in VA

Virginia has two types of divorce. A Divorce from Bed and Board means that spouses are legally separated but not permitted to remarry. The other type, a Divorce from the Bond of Matrimony, is a complete divorce. Use your judgment as to which type works best for your situation. When divorce becomes i

Why You Should Hire a Family Lawyer

In this age of technological wonder there may be people who wonder why they should hire a family lawyer. After all you can do an online search and find all the forms you need to create your own will and testament, fill out divorce papers, or file charges against your neighbor. Why do you need a fami

How to Obtain a Divorce Decree in Sebring, Florida

If you need to obtain a copy of your divorce decree in Sebring, Florida, you can do so by contacting the Highlands County Clerk of Courts. All official records in Highlands County, including divorce decrees, are on file at the Highlands County Clerk of Court's office. Your divorce decree is public r

Divorced Parents and Moving, the Custody Issue

Many divorced parents with custody of children are considering moving out of Michigan in order to accept new employment. Many times these parents are required to move out of the state in order to find acceptable employment to support their families. This issue becomes complicated when it involves mi

What You Should Know Before Contacting a Divorce Attorney

Divorce, the big D word, is the second most feared word, only behind Cancer, the Big C word, in the United States. What created this terrible fear, which ranked so closely to a word associated with death? Let's exam possibilities.

Do Inheritances Count As Community Property?

Community property is legally defined as "The holdings and resources owned in common by a Husband and Wife," according to The Free Dictionary's Legal Dictionary. This means that it is the property acquired by the couple over the course of their marriage. Laws dictating the distributio

Female Divorce Attorneys - Are They Better?

Do female attorneys have certain advantages in the practice of family law? If so, why do some people continue to believe that female divorce attorneys may be less capable than their male counterparts?

About Divorce Attorneys

Divorce attorneys represent spouses seeking to dissolve their marriage. These attorneys do not necessarily have to specialize in divorce or family law to practice divorce law, but should have some experience with family law issues, including child support and the division of property. Knowing the ro