How to Buy Videos for an MP3 Player

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Electronics : Technology

How to Download a Movie to a Zen MP3 Player

The Creative brand of MP3 players is certainly vast, and those that belong to the Zen family often support video playback. If your Creative Zen supports video playback (like the one pictured), then downloading movies to your player is fairly easy and requires little more effort then putting songs on

Digital Cameras for Seniors

Seniors may have an easier time viewing pictures through a large LCD and white photography image by Pix by Marti from Fotolia.comThe instant gratification and ease of sharing photos have made digital cameras popular among all age groups, including seniors. While many digital...

How to Make a SIM Card Work in an HP 6910

SIM cards are small memory units that are most commonly used in wireless phones. These cards can save the contact information of an individual in addition to pictures, MP3s and other phone related content. Fortunately, if you are looking to save the information from your SIM card, it is possible to

Sci-Tech Innovation: First Impressions: iPad Air

Last year's 4th-generation iPad was such a minor update, there was little reason for iPad 3 owners to consider taking the plunge. But this year, the iPad Air marks the biggest physical redesign the tablet ...

How to Use YouTube on a BlackBerry 9700

The BlackBerry 9700 browser cannot display YouTube videos through the regular YouTube website, and the BlackBerry operating system lacks an official YouTube application. You can load YouTube videos through the 9700's Web browser using YouTube's mobile website. The 9700 is a GSM BlackBerry that was s

Global Smartphones

According to a new market research report, 'Global Smartphones Market (2010 – 2014)', published by MarketsandMarkets, the total global smartphones market is expected to be worth US$150.3 bill

Alternatives to HTPC

An HTPC displays video content on a control and tv 3 image by chrisharvey from Fotolia.comA home theater PC (HTPC) is a computer that connects to a television rather than a computer monitor. An HTPC can record and play back television broadcasts and films, and with a few...

iPhone Application Development and Its Future

Within the world of communications, Mobile Phones are one useful creation. As the time passed this phones were modified and Smartphone's were in demand. The smart phones which rule the market are iPhones. With a ...

How to Troubleshoot the Volume Control for a Sansui HDLCD1912 TV

The Sansui HDLCD191 LCD television with digital tuner lets you watch digital broadcasts without the need for an external decoder box. Troubleshooting sound problems with your set involves checking the volume and speaker settings, testing the reception of the current channel and examining your surrou

3:2 Ratio

The digital camera glossary defines 3:2 ratio as a measurement of the dimensions of a photo, that essentially is one and one-half times wider than it is tall.

The Best Features of iCloud

The year 2011 was a great year for Apple loyalists. It not only marked the advent of iOS 5, but also saw the introduction of iCloud services. The reason why most users were looking forward to Apple&am

iPad to TV

The iPad is great for watching videos, TV shows and movies. It's great to be in bed watching TV on the iPad. In some instances though, it's enough and you'd rather have that same iPad ...

What Camera Lens Do I Need for Wide Angle?

Wide-angle lenses generally have a close focusing distance and a wide angle of view, approximately 55 degrees across the photo's widest point. Wide-angle lens focal lengths differ based on the film or sensor size used.