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Electronics : Technology

How To Create A High Traffic Website

Today there are thousands of people world wide that make an online search. That being said, there are equally numerous websites out there competing for the people's awareness. If you're merely a newbie in the ...

How to Stop Your Cell Phone From Transmitting Your Location

Nowadays many cell phones come equipped with GPS (Global Positioning System) capabilities. When you want to track your location on a map, social network or gaming application, you can enable the GPS feature. However, if you want to stop your cell phone from transmitting your location, you can disabl

How do I Calculate the Size of a Ported Box Speaker?

The size of a ported box speaker is calculated in two ways: mathematically using established equations, or via measurements provided by established Thiele-Small principles for specific loudspeaker sizes. Thiele-Small parameters, (T/S parameters) were developed to standardize and ease speaker buildin

About DTV Tuners

The only way for an analog television to work today is by using a DTV tuner. But, for a small initial cost--roughly $60--a consumer can continue using a non-digital television set and do so with additional channels and a better picture.

How to Build a FM Stereo Transmitter

Building your own FM stereo transmitter is a great way to lessen your reliance on aesthetically unpleasing wires. It is, however, a complex project as the stereo signal has to be modulated, or woven together with a carrier wave. Many kits are available, though all will require some soldering to conn

How to Remove a Stereo Console From a 1999 Honda Civic

The 1999 Honda Civic has been given much acclaim by its owners over the years due to their dependable motors and ability to be modified in various ways. One of the most popular modifications is the car stereo. If you want to remove the stereo console, you will need to know how to remove the front pa

How to Set up a TiVo to an Ethernet Phone

Most Voice over Internet Protocol or VoIP phone services will either function directly through your computer's Internet access or through a proprietary adapter that accesses the Internet through your modem or router. Your TiVo can connect to TiVo service independently of the phone service's setup vi

Sony A230 Vs. Sony A330

Sony provides an extensive line of digital cameras for beginning- to professional-level photographers. The Sony A230 and A330 are similar digital single-lens reflex cameras, produced to be user-friendly for more casual picture takers.

How Can I Get Better Reception on My XM Radio?

XM Radio is one of two radio frequencies that operate from a satellite in North America. It's run by Sirius XM Radio and provides pay-for-service radio, much like cable does for television. Even though it's called XM, the letters actually mean nothing. Many XM radios are run through unused FM statio

Uses of a Mapping GPS

Handheld GPS units fit into two categories: mapping and non-mapping. Non-mapping GPS devices are simple versions of the technology, best used for straightforward location finding, such as making your way back to your campsite after a day of backpacking. Mapping GPS units, however, are more complicat

Wonders of a Smart Phone

Cell phones have come a long way from being just cell phones to smart phones. It amazes one what a smart phone can do. They have a lot of potential which lies in the core ...

Utilizing SMS platform for bulk SMS business

SMS platform has made it possible to use the short messaging service for marketing. One who has access to the web can take advantage of bulk messaging service and send as many texts as one wants witho

Can a Digital TV Be a Computer Monitor?

Digital televisions are becoming increasingly popular in the consumer electronics market. Additionally, with the growing cross-compatibility of home electronics, many people wonder if it is possible to hook up their PCs to a television to use it as a monitor.

The HTC Sensation Appeals To Lovers Of Mobile Gaming

The HTC Sensation is a multi purpose smartphone of the very highest quality and if you are looking for the perfect gaming handset then you will not go far wrong with this very high specification phone

How to Hook Up to the Sprint Overdrive With an iPad

The Sprint Overdrive is a mobile Wi-Fi hotspot. You can connect up to five devices to the Overdrive for Internet access. The Overdrive works with laptop and desktop computers, as well as mobile Wi-Fi enabled devices, such as the iPad. Connecting the iPad to the Overdrive will provide your iPad with

Samsung WB700 Smart Choice

The Samsung WB700 is a well featured camera that comes at affordable rate and has features that can enhance your photography and has user friendly features.This is an ultra slim digital cadre that has been ...