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Games : Technology
How to Beat "Vampire Slayer" on "RuneScape"
Quests are an important part of the massively multiplayer online roleplaying game (MMORPG) "RuneScape." None of the quests are required for you to be able to enjoy the game, but quests reward you with skill experience, and sometimes unique items. "Vampire Slayer" is a quest available to both free an
How to Service a PSP Battery
The Sony PlayStation Portable uses a service battery in order to run custom software. These batteries look like the normal PSP batteries, but when inserted, the PSP is placed into service mode. It is in this mode that the PSP can have custom firmware installed. Making a service battery is quite simp
Top 4 Free Online Games for Kids to Play List
Many parents today cringe at the thought of their child playing video games. Of these same parents though, most of their children do still play them. The truth is that not all games online for kids to play are bad or bad for them to play.
Get Paid to Play Video Games
Wouldn't it be great if you could play Video Games and get paid to do it? There are ways to turn your gaming into cash and get paid to play games at home. Here are ...
World of Warcraft Tips-Configure Your Windows Firewall For Faster WoW Downloads
Configuring your firewall, with a Windows XP operating system, may sound tough but it isn't that bad if you follow along. It will save you a lot of time downloading patch files if your firewall ...
How to Evolve Golbat into a Crobat in "Pokemon Gold" Version
"Pokemon Gold" was released in 2000 for the Game Boy Color. Golbat, the evolved form of Zubat, is a Poison-/Flying-Type Pokemon that evolves into Crobat when special conditions are met. Crobat is the final evolution of Zubat and is also a Poison-/Flying-Type Pokemon. Crobat is strong against Grass-
Poker Table Tops-A General Overview
The different types of poker table tops that are available and which one do you go for
Family Friendly Xbox 360 Games - 5 Family Friendly Xbox 360 Games That Your Whole Family Will Love
The video game industry has taken a fair amount of criticism over the years for its violent content and for the time that the kids waste in front of the tv, isolated from their family.These 5 family friendly xbox 360 games are not only games that you can feel comfortable with your kids playing, but
WOTLK Elemental Shaman Talent Build - WoW Shaman Talent Tree Build For WOTLK
The elemental shaman is the DPS caster branch of the shaman talent tree. Players who are interested in doing damage in PvP with their shamans will usually go with an Elemental Shaman. The elemental build is also a popular choice with many "hybrid" players, because it offers a nice equipmen
'Poker' - Made in China - A History Lesson
Poker has been molded and shaped over many centuries into the current game that we know today. Who would have realised that poker would be played across nations on TV, in online poker tournaments or that high profile players would be watched competing by thousands over the globe?
How to Keep Fit and Have Fun at the Same Time With Wii Fitness Games
The Wii console combined with the Wii fitness games are becoming very popular amongst families these days, with the easy to use platform for people of all ages it has become one of the more popular gaming consoles on the market today. The Wii fit game was the first type of fitness game launched by N
The Future of Online Poker
The popularity of online poker has been growing very fast in the last few years. Many people are playing online poker and many people have businesses with online poker.
Strategies For Texas Hold Em - 3 Steps For A Great Strategy
Are you worried your strategy just doesn't cut it? Tips on strategies for Texas Hold em can be helpful. Check these tips out now.
How to Get the Claw Clamber Shoes on "Banjo Tooie"
Players are granted the ability to use Claw Clamber Boots on the Grunty Industries level in "Banjo Tooie." The acquisition of the ability to use these boots is treated like any other move in the game and must be taught to you by Jamjar at one of his hatches. Claw Clamber Boots allow you to walk up w
How to Fix an Update Error on XBox 360
Keeping your Xbox 360 console up to date is critical in making sure you can play the latest games and downloadable content. While most Xbox users should have their updates automatically applied when they insert an applicable game or log into their console, some may experience issues with online upda
Leveling Guide Alliance - The Best Leveling Areas In Northrend
A good leveling guide, Alliance or Horde faction, will show you all the areas you are eligible for at your current level. You will probably notice that sometimes, you have several choices, especially in the first major parts of the game.
Unique Fun Gifts for Kids
Children love receiving gifts that are enjoyable to use and different than items they already have at home. With a little creativity, you can get them a fun and unique gift they will be excited to receive for a special occasion.
The Ups And Downs Of Playing Online Poker Versus Casino Poker
Playing poker online can be a very rewarding as well as fun experience. However playing poker in a casino poker room can also be a lot of fun.