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Games : Technology

How to Backup a Wii

The Nintendo Wii is a motion-sensitive video game entertainment system. Unlike previous Nintendo consoles that used memory cards for data storage, the Wii has a built-in hard drive used to save game data and channels. However, this hard drive only has a limited amount of space and is subject to the

LEGO Mindstorm Rubix Cube Solving Instructions

The LEGO Mindstorms Rubik's Cube Solver is a LEGO NXT robot that can be programmed to solve the puzzle cube. There are a number of ways to design the appearance of the NXT cube-solving robot. However, in order to function as a Rubik's Cube solving robot, the NXT configuration must have set-specific

How to Play Free Bowling Games

Online bowling games can be a pleasant distraction from the pressures of the world. Instead of paying for an online game, however, many free options exist. Free bowling games can be found across the Internet, and with a little practice they can be enjoyed and mastered.

How to Compare XBox 360 and XBox 360 Elite

The Xbox 360 is a home video gaming console that comes in a number of versions. The Elite version, for example, has more features than all of the other versions. If you're trying to decide which version of Microsoft's gaming console you should buy, comparing and contrasting the features of the versi

You Can Only Claim The Item While Wearing A Full Set Of Robes

Great time comes again: the veil between worlds waxes thin and restless souls wander the night.No one is happier about that than Brother Heinous. This mad monk's planning to collect the essence of these ghosts to fuel a curse against Falador and Varrock,

Hulk Games Games With Arcade Phase

Every child in this world likes to play computer games. You should admit that you like to play them too. In case your budget doesn’t allow you to spend money weekly on new games you start searching online. Here you have the opportunity to find great games, which can be played online for free.

What Is an Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)?

An uninterruptible power supply (UPS) can range from a backup battery installed between the primary power source and your home computer to a flywheel that will continue to spin by inertia and generate electricity long enough for a backup power source to cut in. The purpose of a UPS is to maintain

The Best Flight Simulator Game

I am a huge fan of Flight Simulators games. So let me tell you a bit of story about this one. This one came out when I was about 5 years old.

How to Get an EXP Bot for Last Chaos

"Last Chaos" is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game, in which potentially thousands of players can interact in the same world. "Last Chaos" has a fantasy setting where combat is the primary mechanic of the game. While it's free to play, it does have advertising and purchasable items to

Why You Should Obtain The Crusader Title in World of Warcraft and How

The Crusader title in the World of Warcraft is a very helpful and prestigious achievement in the game. Not only does it render immediate respect, it also allows you to earn priceless Heirloom items you would have spent much more time trying to obtain otherwise. This is not an easy achievement though

Claymation Tutorial

Claymation is a form of animation that uses homemade props and soft-clay figurines to produce the illusion that these inanimate objects have a life of their own. All you need for a claymation movie is a set to shoot the movie in (such as a shoe box), a soft clay figurine (that can be as detailed as

Play and Win Mobile on Quiz Contest

Winning a mobile on some sort of quiz contest seems to be a dream. These days, every thing is very expensive and it is hard for you to have even a toffee. Plenty of cheating ...

How to Make a Deer Feeder Out of a 55-Gallon Drum

If you want to make a low-cost deer feeder, then a 55-gallon drum is one of your best options. These feeders are simple to make, last forever and cost very little. All you need is a sunny day and about an hour to make your deer feeder. In no time, you will be all set up and waiting to spot your firs

Cheats & Walkthroughs for Fish Games in "Devil's Triangle"

"Hidden Expedition: Devil's Triangle" is a point-and-click adventure game for the PC. You play as an adventurer working for the Hidden Expedition Adventure Team (H.E.A.T) and you've been sent to the Bermuda Triangle to rescue a colleague who disappeared there. Since you travel to the triangle via su

Fire Cat

Screenshots of the online game Wizard101 from KingsIsle Entertainment

How to Throw the Bomb in "Darksiders" on the Xbox

"Darksiders" for the Microsoft Xbox 360 is an action role-playing video game that is influenced by American-style role-playing games. One of the weapons at your hero's disposal in "Darksiders" is a bomb. This bomb causes many walls to fall down as well as incapacitating enemies. Once you have the bo