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History : Society & Culture & Entertainment
The Family - The House of the Righteous, Macedonius
Greek Anthology Book I Chapter VII Part I - The Family.
How to Make a CD for Public Art Applications
With the advent of digital photography, slides are slowly being phased out in favor of digital images. Many public art applications now require that you submit your images on a CD for review. This is a less expensive manner of preparing images, and gives you editing control over your images, but you
Bath Glossary
Terms used to describes rooms, workers, and artifacts found at the sites of ancient Roman baths.
A Brief History of Angola - Part 1
A brief introduction to the history of Angola from the time of early humans to the present day. Part 1 - Kingdoms to Independence
Becoming Old Ironsides: USS Constitution vs. HMS Guerriere
Meeting 400 miles SE of Halifax, Nova Scotia, USS Constitution engaged and captured HMS Guerriere on August 19, 1812. The battle was the first in a series of single-ship victories for the US Navy over the Royal Navy during the early days of the War of 1812.
Calyx-Krater - Red Figure
Theseus. From Theseus and the Gathering of the Argonauts. Attic red-figure calyx-krater, 460-450 B.C. From Orvieto. Niobid Painter.
Neil Armstrong in the Lunar Module Mission Simulator
A picture of Neil Armstrong in the Apollo Lunar Module Mission Simulator in preparation for his Apollo 11 mission.
Top 4 Forum Posts on Historical Accuracy
ANcient / Classical History Forum posts about historical accuracy in the media.
Truth Based on Fact
Historical fiction and historical fiction authors : Jack Whyte - Lindsey Davis - Steven Saylor - Rosemary Sutcliff.
Valens and the Battle of Adrianople (Hadrianopolis)
Emperor Valens lost the Battle of Adrianople in the Eastern Roman Empire, in A.D. 378. The Battle of Adrianople was one of the crucial turns leading to the ultimate Fall of the Roman Empire.
Armenia Early Period
Settlement and early growth of Armenia until it became a pawn in the hands of the Romans and Parthians, from the Library of Congress article on Armenia.
Who Said 'The Face That Launched a Thousand Ships' First?
The expression "the face that launched a thousand ships" refers to Helen of Troy.
Refugee Camp
A picture of the Jefferson Square refugee camp, set up after the 1906 San Francisco earthquake.
Did the Romans Invent Twitter?
The Romans had the scoop on all the news of the empire. Here are the juicy details on their "newspapers."
How to Make a Copy of a Painting
It is common for a painting to be liked or wanted by several people. However, there can be only one original. The solution to this problem is to make a copy. Since artists seldom keep their original work, opting instead to sell the piece, you may wish to inform the artist sooner rather than later th