How a Butterfly Can Have a Drastic Affect on How You Play the Guitar!

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Music : Society & Culture & Entertainment

Why the Yamaha DTxpress Electronic Drum is Supreme

The Yamaha DTxpress is one of the best electronic drum sets of its kind. It has crystal clear sound quality and is not very bulky for cumbersome. Here are a few things that set it apart from the other Brands.

For Moby, Nothing is Wrong Last Night

Well, Moby is back--that is, for the last few years, he's gone back to his own roots, the roots of the sounds that first made the melodic trance-dancer and the master sampler a giant commercial and artistic success. Moby first went full-length with 1992's self-title album debut after he wa

How to Install an Electric Pick-Up

Electric guitar pickups absorb sound from guitar strings. They are not magic; they are magnets. They consist mostly of copper wire. They will last forever, and usually will not need to be changed during the lifetime of a guitar, but they are not created equal. Some are wired "hot," some are wired "s

CF Martin and Co - History and the Legends That Use Them

Many guitar makers began as cabinet makers and woodworkers. It was no different for Christian Frederick Martin who came from a long line of woodworking craftsmen. He was born in Markneukirchen, Germany in 1796 and by 15 years of age, he began an apprenticeship with Johann Stauffer, a well known guit

Drum Crafts

One of the most popular musical craft projects in pre-school and lower elementary grade levels is making a drum. Drums can be fashioned from a wide variety of shapes and sizes; they are simple to make. Empty containers, found at home, can be brought to school by the children. Basic components of

Try Our Amazing Speed Dating Washington DC

Speed Dating Washington DC is a great way to meet men and women within your age group, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, and race. There's a company based right here in Washington call

How to Tune a Strumstick

Learning how to play a musical instrument can take months or years. Learning how to play it well can take even longer. Luthier Bob McNally, who has spent much of his career designing easy-to-play, portable stringed instruments, designed the Strumstick as a simple instrument any beginner could pick u

Lohengrin As Dramatic Theodicy

The myth Wagner set to music in the opera Lohengrin is a marvelous portrait of romantic chivalry. The mystery of the enduring power of this story may be explained by analyzing it as a dramatic theodicy. A philosophical theodicy poses an answer to the problem of evil in a world supposedly controlled

How to Add Video Using HTML

A video can draw you to a website, make you stay longer, and help you remember the web page. If you have a visual message to share, why not place a video on your website? You can link or embed the video on your web page with HTML, and set it to play automatically or when someone presses the play but

How to Slap a Conga Drum

The Conga drum originated in Africa. It was originally made from wood but these days it is made of fiberglass. When playing a conga drum, you need to achieve a separation with the sounds your hands produce. The most difficult of the sounds to master is the slap. When you achieve the slap and tone se



Session Singers

As a session singer myself, and former talent booking agent for the William Morris Agency, I can attest to the number of sessions that I have personally sung on where I wondered why some of the singers were even invited And yet other sessions, and the vast majority, where its a pleasure to be singi

Teach Yourself Guitar Lessons - Making the Correct Choice

Gone are the days when the moment you decided on learning a musical instrument, you didn't know where to start from due to lack of avenues. Today you still don't know where to start from, but that's due to the multiple choices available to you. The internet literally bombards you with

The Power Of Music

Have you ever thought about the power of music and the influential role it has had in the world? It seems that ever since the beginning of time, human beings have been expressing themselves, in one way or another, with musical instruments, dance and song. This medium has also been one of the primary