How a Butterfly Can Have a Drastic Affect on How You Play the Guitar!

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Music : Society & Culture & Entertainment

Learning Piano For Beginners

If you are looking into learning Piano for beginners then I think I can help you out. I was once a beginner Piano player and all the information coming at you baffles you, I know. I have been through it and came out the other side so I think I can shed a bit of light for you. Here are some of my top

Christian Wedding Song: At Last By Etta James

The song At Last which is very popular in romantic occasions like weddings was popularized by the Etta James. It was originally recorded by Glen Miller and ranked number 9 in 1942 on the Billboard Charts.

How to Tune a Guitar to Half

Alternate tunings have become more popular and acceptable than ever. It has now become necessary to learn several different tunings to achieve an authentic sound when doing cover songs or to bring the pitch down to match certain vocalists. Some guitarists keep guitars on hand during every show in se

Best Beatles Guitar Riffs

While The Beatles are not often thought of as a riff based band (like Led Zeppelin for example) they did have some great guitar riffs in their songs. What follows are the best guitar riffs of The Beatles, in no particular order.

Belly Dancing And The Doumbek

While most people are enjoying the benefits of belly dancing, they barely know the tune and the rhythm behind it. Silently, but not really literally, the doumbek puts to life what is considered one of the worlds most popular dance.

Why Should Indie Bands Use Social Networks For Marketing?

Independent bands and usigned bands need the most exposure as possible to gain a following, which comes with a dominant online presence.How do I get my band's Web site links on the first page of search engines? Create profile on solidified social networks and start-up social networks, but make

Learn Guitar Easy - 3 Simple, Effective Tips to Help You Learn Guitar Easier!

There are a lot of different ways that people learn guitar. Some people will pick up a guitar and within a matter of hours be playing at a level that may take others weeks to reach. For most though, learning an instrument takes study and practice. So what are the best methods of learning? Consider t

Leila Josefowicz and John Adams, a Musical Jouney to "The Dharma at Big Sur"

Leila Josefowicz recently performed "The Dharma At Big Sur" by John Adams, the composer conducting. The virtuoso violinist played the work on an electric violin that relies on the deft manipulations of a sound manager. The result was an evening of fresh, exciting sounds and a promise that

Is This The Next Great Super Group?

There have been a lot of new supergroups forming in the musical world over the last few years. The Winery Dogs are this year's group. Do they make the cut? Read this article to get my review of their first album.

Tips For Singers

Tips for Singers To be able to sing is a gift, just like playing Guitar, Sax, Drums, Keyboards, or Bass. The gift is being able to play a musical instrument. A good singer is able to stay on key, have somewhat of a range, and know his/hers strengths and weaknesses. I don't have any hit records

How To Find Quality Cheap Guitars

Cost effective guitars can virtually be found anywhere. With so many different brands, you might perform on-line searches to find the cheapest price. There are hundreds of website, blogs, forums, and even retailers that may facilitate your needs. From second hand to brand new guitars, these sites of

How to Make a Hip Hop Beat That Major Rappers Would Want

will show you how to make a hip hop beat that will also compare to the beats that you hear on major label CD's, on the radio, in the clubs, and on iTunes! This will be a short cut on make a hip hop beat that the professional producers pray you won't find out for fear of a lot more competit

How to Convert WMA Files to MP3 Files in Windows

Converting WMA files to MP3 files in Windows is useful if you'd like to be able to play the WMA files outside of Windows Media Player. Once the WMA files are in the MP3 format, you'll be able to put them on an MP3 player, burn them to a MP3 CD or play them in another audio software program.

How to Make a Gibson Electric Guitar

There is nothing quite like playing a guitar that you've built with your own hands. If you've ever considered purchasing a Gibson electric guitar, but lack the cash, consider building your own. While this is no easy task, with a moderate amount of skill, you, too, can make a Gibson electric guitar.