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Environmental : Health & Medical

Is Soy Ink Better Than "Conventional" Ink?

In the printing word there are currently two types of ink you can choose from, soy based ink, or petroleum based ink. This article will help you understand the differences between the two and will help you make a more educated decision about environmental impact when it comes to choosing a printer.

Traffic-Related Air Pollution and Otitis Media

Little is known about the correlation between air pollution and otitis media. This study analyzed pollution levels at the homes of 3,700 and 650 infants in the Netherlands and Germany, respectively.

Exploring Dumpster Diving - Part 2, Success

So, on Thursday night I set out again to hunt the wily bin. I was much better prepared this time, with two whole torches and a new sense of confidence. I'd also deliberately not eaten dinner, reasoning that hunger would be a powerful motivating force to find something worthwhile.

A Pledge to Reach the Idyllic 'Green Land

The green bug has hit industries across the world but there is still time before the world witnesses a drastic effect. Going green is not easy. Businesses which believed that cutting down paper use and opting for recycled paper are the shortcuts to going green are sadly dwelling in the 19th century.

Wind Power For Irrigation

Because the world is trying to be more environmentally friendly and keep non renewable resources for a longer period of time, scientists have been trying to find new inventions for just about everything. One thing that they realized is that they can use wind power for various types of things.

Support a Cause - Spread Awareness Through Blogging

I've recently returned from Houston where I spent three days attending the Mom 2.0 Summit, a gathering of marketers and (mostly) mom bloggers. Having been to many blogging conferences over the years, I have to say, this was one of the best for several reasons. One, it felt intimate. With around

Reducing Greenhouse Gas Production Is An Important Step

Complacency is the biggest battle that we face in the effort to reduce greenhouse gas. Converting your daily life to the use of alternative forms of energy, solar is one example, requires a lot of effort and expense. Most people find it easier to just turn a deaf ear to the dangers of greenhouse gas

How to Make Your Home a Green Home

Green homes are being constructed in many areas now. They are much healthier for both the residents and the environment, but that doesn't mean you have to start over to get a energy efficient home.

Small Earthquakes in Beverly Hills - I Told You So

Well, there's a lot of controversy concerning the underground subway which is being built under Beverly Hills High School to bring people to Century City to work. Yes, having such a subway system with a stop right there will certainly help people get to those jobs and also alleviate some of the

How to Save Water and Help to Save the Environment

Ever stopped to think how much water you use in a day? Not many people do, and it can be surprising when you start to consider the pressure that our water consumption puts on the environment, and the costs of water filtering, purification and pumping. These factors are not considered by a majority o

How Affected Are You By Environmental Issues?

When it comes to the environment and our eco-system we are our own worst enemies. A combination of an increased population and corporate greed together has lead us here. Unfortunately we are not living in the best of times, people's first concern is surviving anther day, and environmental issue

How Logging Can Save the Rainforests

What? Wait a minute. I thought logging was destroying the rain forest! Well you would be correct. Commercial logging and clear cutting is deforesting vast amounts of tropical rain forests. Then how can logging save the rainforests?

Is Our Drinking Water Polluted?

Are you unknowingly drinking polluted water? Hope not, but the chances are you certainly could be. Here is why and what you better do right now.

What Is Pollution?

It is a whole array of things being done by the human race upon the planet that gives them life. Here is an idea of exactly what pollution is.

Environment Water Soil Remediation

The environment is self-recyclable and self-cleaning--unless it is compromised by an imbalance of toxicity. Blaming cows for producing methane gas is an absurdity when landfills that result from domestic and commercial waste produces ten times the amount of one small herd of cattle. Environment wate

Recycle Cycle - Do You Really Know Whats Going On?

It's probably true the majority of us are told to recycle because it will save our Planet, and some of us actually listen and follow through. But its highly likely many of us have a vague idea but don't actually know what recycling is, or the process, or what happens, or HOW it is saving o

How the Environment Could Use the HHO System

The environment is not as it used to be like back in the day... Nowadays with millions of cars on the road. It plays a small part in polluting our air. Some people say that car pollutants is a big part of the degrading environment we have today. So what can be done?