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Addiction & Recovery : Health & Medical
How to Quit Smoking Effectively
Although every former smoker has their own unique story on how they quit smoking, there are some tried and true how to quit smoking methods that have worked well over the years. Don't put too much pressure on yourself, you can always try out different methods and work your way onto telling your
Drug Cessation Methods and Punishments of the Past
In ancient times the motivation for most addicts to stop using was the fear of significant punishments. In some cases addicts and alcoholics - especially those that made spectacles of themselves - were imprisoned, forced to endure the stockades, publicly humiliated, tortured, mutilated and even kill
Keep the Habits that You Want, Get Rid of the Rest
Once a habit become so engrained in your mind and body that normal processes are interfered with, the habit goes to the extreme of becoming an addiction. Unfortunately, in many ways these behaviors be
Buy E Cigs Online And Smoke The Healthy
Unfortunately, there are still certain places in Australia where 'E Cigarettes' are not unavailable and selling them is still being challenged. As a result, people that are really eager to try the 'El
How to Spot an Addiction
In this article, I explained four symptoms on how to know if the person is already addicted to a certain substance or anything. Understanding how to identify if the person is involve in a certain addi
Give Up Smoking And Live A Much Healthier Life
Nicotine users constitute a substantial portion of the world population, and while a lot of folks are completely aware of the effects of this awful vice, there are countless other folks who regard it as a bad habit that brings about diseases and don't have knowledge of the exact dangers. If you
Grace House of Northhampton MA
Substance abuse treatment services offered by Grace House of Northhampton MA
What Are the Medical Complications of Methamphetamine Abuse?
Methamphetamine can cause a variety of health problems, some related to the drug itself and others related to how it is taken.
Quit Smoking Side Effects - Don't Be Afraid
There are horrible rumors out in the world about the quit smoking side effects by many people. In fact the information is little true but individuals who have strong will should feel rather self-protected. So, you may have been curious about the whole matter about the possible side effects of quitti
Lung Detox to Stop Smoking - Fact Or Fiction?
The lungs, like many other parts of the body can become filled with toxins and impurities which is why many people want to know how to do a lung detox. However as this is not as mainstream as other detox methods it is understandable to be skeptical about lung detoxification and want to know is it th
Jerry Quit Smoking Cigarettes
"My family doctor informed me that my lungs were in bad shape after 25 years of smoking. He said he would approximate by 2 years that I would have emphysema if I didn't stop."
CODAC Behavioral Healthcare of Newport RI
Substance abuse treatment services offered by CODAC Behavioral Healthcare of Newport RI
The Effects of Smoking on Your Heart
If you've been under the impression that smoking only affects your lungs, you do need a good reality check. Smoking affects various organs of the body along with your lungs, and even your heart is ...
Drug Abuse - Top 2 Ways to Quit Drugs
Drug abuse has been rampant ever since our daily lives became hectic and difficult. In case you happen to be a victim of excessive drug abuse, the chances are that you may be required to let go of all your ambitions and seek a suitable solution instead. In simple words, if you wish to succeed in lif
E-Cigarette Firms Get FDA Warning
Citing unproven health claims and poor manufacturing practices, the FDA today warned 5 firms marketing electronic cigarettes that their products violate drug safety laws.
What Addicts Do
I'm your husband, your boyfriend, your fiancee. I'm also an addict, and this is what addicts do.No matter how hard you try, you cannot nor will not change me. Any control you may think you have over my actions or behavior is just an illusion. You cannot make me treat you any better, let al
Green Smoke Reviews Signify the Growth of Green Smoke E Cig
Green smoke reviews mirror the growth that this e cigarette brand has shown over the years. Green smoke e cig are one of the best in line.
Learning FDA Tobacco Product Rules, Regulations & Restrictions
FDA tobacco product rules and regulations are meant to save public from potential health hazards. One of the purposes of revised FDA rules is to ban the use of tobacco products among the teenagers. It
September 20
Recovery thought of the day for September 20 from the Alcoholism / Substance Abuse site.
How I Stopped Smoking on My Own After Smoking a Pack a Day for 23 Years, and Then I Quit Myself
I started smoking cigarettes when I was just 13 years old. Like a lot of kids in my neighborhood, some of the kids smoked, and some of them did not. Most of my friends smoked cigarettes, especially when we at house parties, or just every day.