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Addiction & Recovery : Health & Medical
Two Games Your Mind Plays To Prevent You From Quit Smoking
Discover how two psychological traps interact with a physiological addiction to make it almost impossible to quit smoking.
Quitting smoking linked to demographic factors.
A new study shows that the degree of success smokers have quitting may depend on their weight, ethnicity, and level of nicotine dependence.
Great Oak Addiction Treatment Services of Ellicott City MD
Substance abuse treatment services offered by Great Oak Addiction Treatment Services of Ellicott City MD
5 Famous Stop Smoking Products
There are many products which can help you stop smoking. Although neither of them can totally guarantee success, a stop smoking product can effectively ease the cessation process. This article will give a brief overview at 5 most popular stop smoking products and their effects.
Lockport Memorial Hospital of Lockport NY
Substance abuse treatment services offered by Lockport Memorial Hospital of Lockport NY
Oakland Family Services of Walled Lake MI
Mental health and substance abuse services offered by Oakland Family Services of Walled Lake MI
Faith Home of Greenwood SC
Substance abuse treatment services offered by Faith Home of Greenwood SC
Stop Smoking Help - The Truth About Smoking and Lung Disease
It is amazing how many new smokers there are each year, given all the overwhelming scientific evidence that it causes so many diseases. What is it that draws people to pick up that first cigarette and light it up, knowing they are increasing their risk for lung cancer or emphysema? The medical commu
Common Signs of Alcoholism
Someone you love may be an alcoholic, and you don't even know it.But knowing the symptoms of alcoholism, and the warnings signs people with alcoholism exhibit, will go a long way towards helping you get them the help they need.
Finally Stop and Quit Smoking Forever
The biggest modern day killer is amazingly still available to anyone who wishes to slowly kill themselves. With 70% of smokers reportedly wanting to stop, here we have the lowdown on how to finally stop and quit smoking forever.
Spending Lots of Money to Kill Yourself
This article discusses how little sense smoking actually makes.
Addiction Treatment Regimes
In the past, addiction was treated as a moral or personal flaw, not a physiological condition. Thus treatment often was nonexistent. As the need for therapy became clear, early treatment regimes were instituted.
Wyandot Center Community Behavioral of Kansas City KS
Mental health services offered by Wyandot Center Community Behavioral of Kansas City KS
Better Hypnosis Success for Male Smokers
More men than women succeed at programs that use hypnosis to quit smoking, new research suggests.
Natural Ways Of Smoking Cessation
The habit of cigarette smoking continues to be the leading cause of pulmonary disease through the world. Today, cigarette smoking is the leading cause of lung cancer that is unpreventable in the world. Cigarette smoking causes lung cancer in both male and female with over 87% reported deaths. In ord
Capital Area Counseling Service of Pierre SD
Mental health and substance abuse services offered by Capital Area Counseling Service of Pierre SD
Quit Smoking - Understanding the Addictive Effects of Nicotine on the Body
Smoking is a highly addictive habit. This addiction is caused by the drug nicotine. It is so highly addictive because people who smoke continue to do it even though they understand the damage that smoking is doing to their health and body. Many people want to give up but find it very difficult to do
Al-Anon Meeting Topic: Changes
When I am facing some changes in my life and I am headed into uncharted waters, it helps me to remember that no problem and no situation is forever.
Hypnotherapy: A Useful Therapy To Quit Smoking
Hypnotherapy is a term which is common nowadays as people are using this therapy as a treatment to get rid of many harmful or bad habits. In the field of medical science, where using medicines ...