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Addiction & Recovery : Health & Medical
Quit Smoking Today - Protect Your Children's Future
There are various ways to quit smoking. Usually a certain method will be more suitable than another for the individual. Which one is best is a matter of personal choice.
What Is a Gateway Drug?
A gateway drug is formally defined as a drug that may lead to future drug abuse of that drug or other more dangerous drugs. For example, experimenting with marijuana may lead to abuse of cocaine or heroine in an individual's future. This theory was developed, taking into account research conduc
Smokebot is Where There is Convenience and Efficiency
How would you like to smoke without worrying about littering ashes and cigarette butts? How about smoking without leaving odorous smell in your mouth? Best of all, what about having a smoke that doesn
Use of the Internet for Prevention of Binge Drinking
Can internet-based interventions change alcohol consumption behaviors?
How to Quit Smoking Right Now - Tips and Methods For A Successful Stop
Quit smoking could be easy with the right method. Make this day the day you became an ex-smoker.
Drug Abuse & Mental Health
There is a correlation between drug abuse and mental health. When an individual consumes a drug for the first time, they may experience pleasure. The addictive chemicals in a drug create a physical sense of happiness, and this is a wonderful feeling for those who are incapable of feeling happy due t
Smoking Quitting Gets a Big Yes When You Consider the Risks
It is a well-known fact that there are many risks surrounding the inhalation of cigarette smoke. However, even with all the odds heavily stacked against staying healthy, people still struggle to kick the habit of smoking. This leaves us with one big question which will be on everyone's mind con
Vitamin D and Vascular Calcification Among Alcoholics
How common is vitamin D deficiency among alcoholic patients, and what impact might it have on mortality?
Discover the Best Way to Quit Smoking - 100% Guaranteed Success Rate
Millions of people want to know the best way to quit smoking, but not many have an idea where to start from. Well you can start from here. Keep reading to learn more.
How to Prevent Adolescent Smoking
Growing children, adolescents and young adults are particularly susceptible to sicknesses and impeded physical and mental development caused by smoking. Parents need to take an active role in strongly discouraging their children from engaging in smoking.
Do You Need A Good Reason To Stop Smoking - How About 5
Bad habits can stay with you for a long time, but it is your willingness to break the cycle that can make all the difference.Sometimes, things that we may not always realize need to be pointed out, and then we can finally locate methods on how to stop smoking.Often we need a reason to do so.
Center for Lifestyle Change of Phoenix AZ
Substances abuse services offered by Center for Lifestyle Change of Phoenix AZ.
Addiction Recovery - The Key To Abstinence
Have you ever wondered why some people can walk away from addiction and some can not? Why is it that some people fall into the addiction trap, yet others partake in substances and compulsions moderately?
Smoking and Dental Health Are More Intimately Connected Than You Would Imagine
Imagine losing a portion of your cheek at the age of 18? Medical research indicates that smokers are six times more likely than nonsmokers to develop oral cancers.
Heart Attacks Don't Sway Smokers
If you were a smoker, would you quit smoking if you had heart problems and your doctor told you to stop smoking?
Goodfellow Air Force Base of Goodfellow AFB TX
Mental health and substance abuse services offered by Goodfellow Air Force Base of Goodfellow AFB TX
Community Substance Abuse Services of Kingsford MI
Substance abuse treatment services offered by Community Substance Abuse Services of Kingsford MI
Quit Cigarette Smoking
Stop smoking and start living. Most people find that once they have stopped all sorts of things open up to them that would not necessarily have happened. One minute, enduring the daily grind, the next, in some balmy paradise.