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Diet & Fitness : Health & Medical

The Truth About The Mayo Clinic Diet

With a reputation such as the Mayo Clinic enjoys, this is bound to be a healthy weight loss plan. Or is it? The facts behind the Mayo Clinic grapefruit diet may surprise you.

How to Tell if Eggs Are Still Okay to Eat Without Cracking the Shell

You can squeeze a tomato or a loaf of bread to determine if it is fresh, but it is not that easy to tell if an egg is fresh enough to eat. It is important to know how to distinguish between those that are fresh and those that are completely past their prime eating stage. You can take several differe

Facts and Myth About Obesity

When I was doing research for this article, I came across reports stating facts about obese individuals who had failed multiple times by following solid food diets and therefore I have had decided to choose a medifast liquid diet. The liquid diet basically recommends to limit the calorie intake and

Rating the Cookie Diet - What Experts Say About This Plan

One physician, Dr. Evan Bass, has followed the Smart for Life cookie diet for more than a year and lost 45 pounds. He also managed to keep it off. According to him, the first two weeks were the most difficult part. He was always tired and lacking the energy to do exercise; however, when he got used

Tomatoes and the Candida Diet

Tomatoes are the key ingredient in a variety of tasty dishes. Fortunately, tomatoes are permitted on the candida diet and can be the key to creating exciting meals.

Can Calorie Shifting the Fat Loss 4 Idiots Way Work?

Calorie shifting is the way Fat Loss 4 Idiots designed their diet plan. It claims that with the use of calorie shifting you can lose weight without sacrificing various types of food, including fat, sugar and carbohydrates. It even claims that you won't have to go on an extensive exercise plan w

Hibernation Honey Diet

Find out how the Hibernation Diet links sleep and obesity. Honey is believed to be the best food for the body fueling mechanism at night. It helps keep blood sugar levels balanced, letting your recovery hormones get on with burning fat efficiently.

Use the Glycemic Fruit Index to Accelerate Your Weight Loss

Just as carbohydrates are not created equal, neither are fruits. It is simply not enough to know if the fruits are going to help in the losing of weight, but they also help in becoming healthy. Sugary fruits may be considered healthy by many people's standard by the mere facts they belong to th

Medifast Diet Review - Pros and Cons

A good review should be informative and unbiased. The aim of this review is to present a short but honest Medifast diet review and to inform people about the pros and cons of the program to help them decide if it's the program for them, and if it fits their own specific needs and preferences. G

The Warrior Diet Grounding - Hofmekler's Exercise and Nutrition Program

Based on the theory that warriors of long ago depended on an intermittent cycle of dieting, Ori Hofmekler devised an exercise and nutrition program that is somewhat different from all other diet plans. This diet is purely based on under eating-overeating cycle, which was purported to have sustained

Ediets Review - A Comprehensive Review of Ediets

Let's not kid ourselves - the online diet market is inundated with an overwhelming range of diet plans and programs. The essential problem with the majority of these diets is that they are put together and marketed without much regard to their achievability. The average person does not have the

Hunger Levels On Nutrisystem: How High Are They?

I often hear people who are interested in the results that they might see on the Nutrisystem diet, but they are skeptical about the experience that they may have to endure to get there. Other than the taste of the food, the most common concern is that I hear is how hungry you're really going to

How to Arrange Cupcakes

Cupcakes have fast replaced large sheet cakes and layered tier cakes at parties, family get-togethers and weddings. The arrangement and presentation of the cupcakes is just as important as the cake recipe used. You can display your cupcakes on a flat platter of various shapes and sizes or you can co

Green Tea Diets

There has been a lot of talk about the benefits of Green Tea and weight loss. In fact Green Tea is used in many weight loss supplements. What makes this ingredient help to increase metabolism and burn fat? Why has it become so popular for not only weight loss but a variety of other health benefits?

The Mediterranean Diet

Looking and feeling good is what everyone wants. Exercising and eating right are the only ways to achieve this. People need food in order to have energy to do certain things. One way to lose weight and still maintain a healthy lifestyle is by only eating foods that are low in saturated fats and high