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Diseases & Conditions : Health & Medical
Statin Drug Alternatives - Lower Your Heart Attack Risk With These 2 Proven Tips
Did you know 75% of heart attack victims have low to normal cholesterol? If your at risk for heart disease you should be aware of the simple alternatives to dangerous Statin drugs to reverse arterial
A Short Quiz on Pregnancy Diabetes Diet
If you are wondering how a pregnancy diabetes diet can be effective and work for you, then try to read these quick facts about the topic. Gestational diabetes occurs only during a woman's pregnancy and ...
How Many Factor Avoid Nail Fungus
Nail fungus is made up of small organisms that can infect fingernails and toenails. It is very common, the fungus moves in under the nail, the nail provides a safe place for the fungus and protects it
Prostate problems can be cured with proper information
Worldwide, a rate of 16 percent of consultations aimed for urinary problems - in other words, statistically speaking, every sixth patient that addresses the doctor faces this problem. Many of these diseases have endotoxic shock ...
Cold Sore Home Remedies.
There are tons of cold sore remedies that are beleived to work, without going and by any expensive medication or having to be perscribed something. At the onset of a cold sore, one usually experiences ...
Osteoarthritis - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment - Peter rodrick
Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis and is also known as degenerative joint disease. In this form of arthritis, the cartilage that covers the ends of the bones that connect at the join
Facts and Prevention Regarding Fatal Swine Flu
At present everyone is aware how the epidemic Swine Flu is broadening around the globe. Fortunately the few cases occurred in US were without the need medicines successfully cured, whereas multitude of cases occurred in Mexico have been fatal. The most shocking revelation which is observed about the
Steroid Induced Osteoporosis - Can it Be Prevented?
Steroid induced osteoporosis is becoming more common as the number and popularity of steroid drugs increases. But steps can be taken to prevent the disease.
Yeast Infection and Pregnancy - Why Being Pregnant Puts You At Greater Risk of a Yeast Infection
Pregnant? Congratulations! Not to rain on your parade, but pregnancy is also a time that can be made just awful by Candida, so take a moment to have a think about yeast infection and pregnancy ...
Constipation Remede
Hello everybody, My story and reason why I created this blog Constipation Remede. I created this blog Constipation to tell my story - my story about how I finally ended my problems with constipation. ...
Psoriasis solutions at home
Finding solutions for psoriasis is not that difficult. All you will have to do in search on the Internet-you will find thousands of results on psoriasis solutions coming up. If your condition is mild
Buerger's Disease (Thromboangitis Obliterans) Symptoms Control
Buerger's disease is also called thromboangitis obliterans and it is a rare disease that causes inflammation and blockage of the smaller blood vessels of the limbs. The legs and feet are most commonly affected but this can also be seen in the hands. The condition is most common in smokers age 2
CDC Swine Flu Prevention
Swine Flu is a strain of the influenza virus, the H1N1 strain, which hit the world in 2009. It is a mutated form of the seasonal flu virus. Swine flu can be detected with a nasal swab and treated with a healthy outcome if no complications emerge. Possible respiratory difficulties may make the swine
Gout Recipes
Are you diagnosed with gout symptoms? If it is, then its right time to change your diet plans and eliminate most of protein enriched foods like red meat, shell fish, organ meat etc. In fact ...
What is a Deviated Septum and Does It Make You Snore?
The nasal septum divides the nasal cavity in two with each side covered by the mucous membrane. The perfect nasal septum is in the center with both the left and right sides equally sized. However ...
Is Fibromyalgia Real? - There Are Many Who Do Not Think So
Even though documentation exists describing fibromyalgia since Bible times, many people still think it is all in the person's imagination -- that they are hypochondriacs. History and modern research, however, provides proof of this disease's existence.
Botulism - Causes, Symptoms And Treatment
Botulism is a rare but serious paralytic illness caused by a nerve toxin. It is happen due to the Clostridium botulinum.
Kill Head Lice By Understanding The Facts
To defeat head lice, you need to have a clear understanding of what you are up against before you start. These pests can attack a person or family anytime, anyplace, and at any age. They ...
Warning Signs That Shingles Could Occur
In this particular blog post I'm sharing with you the major shingles warning signs, what this ailment does to a person, how to prevent and treat it. Shingles is a virus which brings about a ...
Let Your Heart Healthy and Fit From Cholesterol
Cholesterol is a lipid (fat) which is produced by the liver. Cholesterol is crucial for normal body function. Every cell in our body has cholesterol in its outer layer. It's a waxy steroid and is ...