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Ear & Nose,Throat : Health & Medical

How to Stop a Statin Cough

Statin drugs are used to lower cholesterol levels in the body. Statins may cause side effects such as muscle pain, digestive upset and coughing. There are several ways to reduce coughs brought on by statin drugs.

SVP 1969

National Technical Institute for the Deaf Summer Vestibule Program (SVP) signs from 1969 to 2002.

Auto Immune Thyroid Disease

Autoimmune disease is at the root of thyroid problems for many patients. Knowing that autoimmune disease is causing your thyroid issues may not change the symptoms, but it will change the way your doctor treats you.

An Interview With Glenn Rothfeld, MD

About Thyroid Balance: Traditional and Alternative Methods for Treating Thyroid Disorders, by Glenn Rothfeld, MD, a book about integrative thyroid treatment

Low Carb Diets 101

An overview of the most popular low-carbohydrate diets of general interest, and of interest to thyroid patients, including The Thyroid Diet, Atkins, South Beach, Fat Flush, The Zone, Protein Power, and the Hamptons Diet, as well as information on Ediets and Weight Watchers. From thyroid patient advo

How to Cure Dry Nose Problems

It's easy to cure dry nose problems with a few changes. Dry noses are usually caused by dehydration in the body, often times caused by the surrounding environment. It's important to stop dry nose problems because it can quickly lead to infections and frequent nose bleeds. Below are some of the more

The High Cholesterol Thyroid Connection

The High Cholesterol/Thyroid Connection, and How Undiagnosed Thyroid Disease May Be the Reasonfor Your High Cholesterol, from Mary Shomon, Your Thyroid Guide

Deafness in India

Deafness information for India, including schools and nongovernmental organizations.

Signs & Symptoms of a Thyroid Disorder

The thyroid gland produces a hormone that's responsible for the development of certain areas of the body and for maintaining many involuntary functions, such as breathing. When something happens to change the amount of thyroid hormone in the body, noticeable symptoms develop. Your doctor might presc

Nasal Massage for Congestion Relief

There are many causes for nasal congestion, with colds and allergies being the most common. And while there are literally dozens of pharmaceuticals and natural products available to help relieve congestion, there is a therapy available for free that does not have any negative side effects, nor does

How Does the Nose Work?

The nose is composed of two large passages through which you inhale and exhale air. The septum, which is composed of thin bone and cartilage, divides the passages before they lead into four sinus cavities. These sinus cavities are located above, behind, and below your eyes. Your nose...

Spanish Sign Language

Spanish speaking countries such as Mexico have their own sign languages.

How to Type a Cough Sound

Unfortunately the word cough isn't an onomatopoeia, meaning it imitates or suggests noise of the sound -- like meow, roar or bang. This means that it is difficult to type the word as a noise in relaxed and colloquial phrasing, such as a letter or email. Therefore, writing the word "cough" is usually