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Food & Drink : Health & Medical

Are Green Tea Supplements Good for Health?

Do you love green tea for its amazing benefits? Well, then you won't be disappointed that it is also available in supplements. If you have tried green tea, you must know how it increases your thinking ability and improves mental alertness.

The Calphalon Everyday Pan - It's the Pan That Fills Just About Any Cooking Need

Cooking is a fun task for some people, but it can become strenuous for them too if the utensils and cookware they are using is giving them problems. The only way that cooking can be a joyful experience is by using the right pans and pots and the right wares. This is why Calphalon Everyday Pans are a

Can You Substitute Pork Loin for Pork Shoulder?

Pork shoulder is one of the most economical cuts of meat you can buy, and when properly cooked, it's moist and delicious. Pork loin, while a bit pricier, makes a lean, tender roast and can be substituted for pork shoulder. Just keep the differences between the two cuts in mind when preparing pork lo

Identifying & Handling Spoiled Home Canned Foods

Canning your own foods saves you money by cutting out the costs associated with purchasing store bought foods. Home canning allows you to prepare and store foods for up to a year or more. The process used in canning, when performed properly, prevents the buildup of harmful bacteria, yeasts and molds

What Makes a Good Dining Experience

Dining in a fine restaurant can be a very pleasant experience for most people. It can be a way of escaping reality and just focusing on a fine meal and a good drink. How can you tell if your dining experience will be a good one? The answer is simple, trial and error. There is no way of knowing if it

My Favorite Grilled Cheese Sandwich

So why do they call them "Grilled" cheese sandwiches when they're really fried? Just one of the things I wondered about lately. So I decided to find out what would happen if I really grilled my cheese sandwich. And what a difference in taste that made.

Napolitano Timballo - Recipe

Timbale Timbale is a favorite in southern Italy and an easy dish to make once you have prepared the sauce and noodles. You can use store-bought pasta and sauce but you will never have the taste of true Italy.

Why Grind Your Own Coffee At Home

Besides the wonderful aroma produced in your kitchen when you grind your own coffee, what other reasons are there for taking the trouble to do it? Well coffee loses flavour quickly, especially after being ground ...

What Tea Can Do For You

Find out what teas can do for your body to keep it healthy!Teas come in all different varieties; black tea, white tea and green tea!Teas are great gifts for any time of year!

Affordable Restaurants in South West London

Who was it that said those who are bored of London are bored of life? London has its finger on the pulse. From restaurants to galleries to clubs it's a city that keeps us entertained- ...

Why Picking the Right Coffee Travel Mug Can Make Your Work Day More Tolerable

Coffee and other hot beverages have become an intrinsic part of many people's work day. They may spend large amounts of money on coffee from take-out stores and restaurants, only to discard those drinks as they cool much quicker than the drinker might like. If you are thinking about buying trav

How to Make Perfect Caramel Popcorn

Popcorn is a favorite snack. People have experimented with adding different toppings to popcorn to create new snack flavors. One of the popular popcorn toppings is caramel. If done wrong, though, adding caramel to popcorn ...

Commercial Foodservice Supplies at Wholesale Prices

Restaurateurs look to offer high quality service, while doing all they can to cut their costs. Buying commercial foodservice supplies at wholesale prices saves time and money, and ensures that they can achieve their goals ...

How to Decorate a Frozen Cake

Unfrosted cakes last up to six months in the freezer. Freezing unfrosted cakes not only saves you time when preparing for a big event, but also makes it easier to frost the cake. Frozen cakes are firmer and less likely to form crumbs than room-temperature cakes. In addition, a chilled cake won't dam

Video: Summertime Barbeque Pork Ribs for a Party on a Budget

Video Transcript Hi, everyone. My name is Andrew Roenbeck, and I'm the Executive Chef at the Boca Raton Resort and Club. Today, we're going to talk about summer barbecued pork ribs for a party on a budget. What I'm going to show you are, three types of pork ribs that you can buy in...

Menu Ideas For A Bachelor Party

Bachelor Party is a time of fun for all the friends of the groom-to-be.There are different plans among different groups of people who celebrate the bachelor party.Some are totally focused on a totally arranged party by a professional, some prefer to plan a party their own way so that they could plan

How to Make Plain Cheerios Good

Cheerios are a popular type of breakfast cereal that is made from whole grain oats. Cheerios come in multiple flavors. The original version of Cheerios is healthy and low in sugar, but you may find that it lacks the taste that you are looking for. You can enhance the taste of plain Cheerios through