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Pain Diseases : Health & Medical
Natural Relief From Migraines
Migraine headaches have different causes and can be debilitating. Natural relief for migraines is largely about preventing them from occurring. Treating only the symptoms will not get to the underlying cause of the headaches and they will continue to happen. There are several steps that can be ta
Forehead Lift Cures Migraine Patients
New research confirms that plastic surgery can eliminate migraines in some patients.
Foot Pain is a Pain in the Brain - Protect Your Feet While Walking
And, sometimes our feet are in pain and we wonder what is going on.On my left foot I was having trouble with swelling and was painful to walk.The doctor ordered me to have an X-ray and MRI and the results were that I had what was called fallen arches.They immediately custom-built my insoles and I we
Hip Joint Pain - Causes, Prevention and Cures
Hip joint pain is an ailment that plagues people from all walks of life. Some sufferers have very intense, constant throbbing pain while others have pain that's barely noticeable.
Neurostimulation for Primary Headache Disorders: Part 2
In this second of 2 articles, the authors present an overview of central neuromodulation in primary headaches, including vagus nerve and deep brain stimulation.
Weed Your Garden Without Hurting Your Back
Back pain sufferers find it hard to perform a range of activities including weeding their gardens. Gardening chores in general, need you to bend and work for long durations, so increasing the tax on your back. Nonetheless there are tactics by which one can cut back the pressure exerted on the back w
Lower Back Pain - Find Lower Back Pain Relief Fast
Lower back pain may be caused by a myriad of factors, but the two most prevalent reasons are:General Causes - Non specific - example: a muscle strain or an injury Specific causes - Diagnosable Medical Conditions - - example: Herniated disc or degenerative disc disease.It is estimated that in the Uni
Can Acupuncture Help Headaches?
Results of recent clinical trials have shown that acupuncture can be extremely good for combating headaches. Increasingly, people are looking for alternative therapies. While most are still happy to take pills prescribed by their doctor, there is a growing problem with the conventional treatment of
Letting Gravity Work: Back Inversion Table Benefits
Back inversion tables have reached heights since the day Hippocrates started using ropes and pulleys for suspending patients back in 400 B.C. That was 2500 years ago, now there are numerous inversion tables that use different kinds of technology and have different designs.
Headaches and Migraines: Pulling the Plug on Pain
Headaches are an unpleasant fact for many people. They are sometimes frustrating to deal with because symptoms can vary so much from one person to the next. Even the same person may have different symptoms at different times. Indeed, if you have a head, then you have suffered from its aching in one
Post Operative Knee Braces - How To Find A Provider Near You
If you want to learn about post operative knee braces then this quick article will help you understand them. If you also want to learn how to find a brace company in your area then this article can also be of assistance to you.
Dealing With Headache Symptoms
It is very difficult to determine when a bad headache is more than just a bad headache. Headaches are a very common affliction. Almost all people will experience a headache at least once during their lifetime. They can cause quite a significant amount of pain.
Three Back Exercises Which Can Hurt You
The method of stretching is most popularly used by people who want to relief pain no matter where it is located. The draw back of this is that most of the lower back stretches can cause more damage than how they can help. The particular area of the lower back is one of misunderstanding, and this cou
Fibromyalgia - Symptoms and Treatment
Fibromyalgia is a disease that is characterized by severe pain throughout the body. The prevalence of the disease is 2% of the total population with a higher percentage of the patients being women. The ratio of women to men of the patients is 9:1. The specific cause of Fibromyalgia remains unknown.
How A Simple Leg Stretch Can Help Your Back Pain - Part 1
The word "Yoga" means "union". Yoga is a form of exercise based on the belief that the body and breath are intimately connected with the mind. The common causes of lower backache are either stiffness in the ligaments or muscles of the lower back, or weak abdominal muscles. Poor p
Facts About Chiropractic Relief From Sciatica
There are various treatments that can be administered and followed to provide relief from sciatica. One of the commonly opted for cures for sciatica is the chiropractic treatment.