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stomach,intestine & Digestive disease : Health & Medical
Good Foods for Acid Reflux - Getting Your Diet in Shape
When you think of the problems associated with acid reflux, a disease who's primary symptom is an upwelling of stomach acid, you probably know, deep down, that medication and other modern hospital care is probably not the answer. If you simply eat good foods for acid reflux, you will have absol
Liver Transplant
Find WebMD's comprehensive coverage of liver transplants including medical reference, news, pictures, videos, and more.
Heartburn and Indigestion - Is Too Much Stomach Acid the Cause?
Most of us have experienced the discomfort of heartburn or indigestion as we wolf down a juicy hamburger laden with "the works", or gulp down an ice cold bottle of our favorite beer. You would assume that gastric acid is the cause of your discomfort and immediately resort to antacids, but
Beef Tortillas
If you love tortillas but the spices trigger your heartburn, this recipe may be for you. By using lean ground beef, less spices (but still giving the right flavor), and low-fat ingredients, this recipe is heartburn friendly.
Heartburn Symptoms and Treatment - Find Out What I Used to Get Rid of My Heartburn
If you have ever experience heartburn, you know how uncomfortable it can get. The acid rising up your esophagus and reaching up to your mouth, leaving a sour, bitter after taste like you just threw up.
Medications Used to Treat Crohn’s Disease
WebMD explains common treatments for Crohn’s disease. Find out about the medications that are used, including immunosuppressants, biologics, antibiotics, and corticosteroids.
Eating to Prevent Heartburn
Heartburn affects many people, and not all of them are stressed or eat spicy foods frequently. One in four pregnant women suffers from heartburn. Antacids will be great to have on hand during a pregnancy.
Going Gluten-Free: Value Beyond Celiac Disease?
Increasing numbers of individuals without celiac disease report relief of GI symptoms with a gluten-free diet. What's the evidence behind it? Dr. David Johnson offers commentary and clinical guidance.
Recent Advances in Coeliac Disease
Despite the encouraging progress that has taken place in our genetic and immunological knowledge of coeliac disease, early introduction of a gluten-free diet remains the cornerstone of treatment.
What Are the Foods to Avoid Acid Reflux?
If you are looking for foods to avoid acid reflux because you suffer with digestive problems, you are certainly doing the right thing. After all, we all eat and some foods are good for us and some aren't.
Features of Eosinophilic Gastrointestinal Diseases
How do eosiniphilic gastrointestinal diseases differ from other esophageal and gastrointestinal disorders?
The Use of PPIs and Susceptibility to Enteric Infection
Why are some patients on PPIs vulnerable to contracting bacterial infections of different sorts?
Dietary Fiber for Constipation
For safe and effective relief from chronic constipation, look for fiber on your grocer's shelves. Find out more.
A Girl With a Gastric Trichobezoar
This unusual cause of epigastric pain in children requires multidisciplinary treatment.
Lack of Health Insurance Limits the Benefits of HCV Screening
Many patients who test positive for hepatitis C may not receive the proper care due to their uninsured status.
Respiratory Acidosis Vs. Metabolic Acidosis
It is crucial that the body maintains the arterial blood pH within the range of 7.35 to 7.45 because it is the optimal pH for physiological processes to successfully occur. When the arterial pH falls below 7.35, it is referred to as acidosis. Metabolic acidosis occurs when the body produces too much
Gaviscon vs Omeprazole in the Treatment of Moderate GERD
Are PPIs still considered the best treatment for moderate GERD? Read this new study to find out the latest recommendations.