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stomach,intestine & Digestive disease : Health & Medical
GERD & Acid Reflux Patients - The Pain You Feel Can Be Ended & Your Medical Condition Can Be Healed
Unfortunately, there is no magic pill that can cure these diseases. The reason for that is simple; most of them are instigated by yourself. By either eating too much, consuming the wrong foods, drinking to much, smoking or lack of exercise.
The Pathogenesis and Pharmacological Treatment of Hiccups
How can clinicians best determine the seriousness of hiccups in their patients, and what are the most effective treatment strategies depending on severity?
Renewed Interest in a Difficult Disease: Clostridium difficile Infections
Renewed interest in Clostridium difficile infections (CDI) is stimulating research into the pathogenesis and virulence factors for this pathogen. This review summarizes recent progress in the field.
The Future of Endoscopic Technology
John R. Saltzman, MD, discusses advances in endoscopic technology, including endoscopic transgastric ligation and novel colonoscopic technologies, as based on key proceedings from DDW 2004.
How to Test for Acid Reflux
Heartburn, or acid indigestion, is a burning sensation in the chest and throat. When heartburn occurs frequently it can become more than an annoyance, and for some people it can have serious consequences, including esophagitis and bronchitis.Chronic heartburn is called acid reflux diseas
Gastroenterologists' Assessment of EoE in Adults
Do histologic and endoscopic findings give gastroenterologists a full picture of the activity of eosinophilic esophagitis in their adult patients?
Endoscopic Approaches to Gastroparesis
How and why does gastroparesis present in some patients, and how can it best be managed endoscopically?
Digestive Enzymes to Get Rid of Scars
Protease enzymes like bromelain and papain are popular home remedies for eliminating scars. In theory, these powerful enzymes can remove scar tissue by digesting the injured tissue while leaving healthy, smooth skin in tact. Digestive enzymes are used within mainstream medicine as a treatment for se
What Is An Effective Irritable Bowel Syndrome Treatment?
You might be looking for an effective irritable bowel syndrome treatment. Irritable bowel syndrome or simply IBS is a disorder of the bowels that often manifests in chronic abdominal pain, bloating, and altered bowel activity (bouts of constipation alternating with diarrhea).
Magnetic Implant May Ease Chronic Acid Reflux
Study found device allowed some heartburn patients to stop taking medication
Find WebMD's comprehensive coverage of giardiasis, including medical reference, news, pictures, videos, and more.
Improving Screening Colonoscopy Quality
Do colonoscopy quality report cards and standards of practice result in an improvement in adenoma-detection rates?
Treating Acid Reflux With Medications Can Be Very RISKY
As a medication prescribed for symptoms of acid reflux, also known as GERD or gastro esophageal reflux disease, Nexium became available in 2001 to sell more than $5.7 billion in 2005 and become third-largest selling drug in the world. Let's discuss gastro esophageal reflux disease in general an
Obesity and Colorectal Cancer
Obesity is associated with a higher risk of colorectal cancer. Do obesity treatment methods such as bariatric surgery decrease the cancer risk?
GERD and Acid Reflux Are Principally Self Inflicted Diseases Due to Poor Food Choices
Second, this destruction you are inflicting on yourself can lead to serious life threatening medical conditions. Patients that have these illnesses often end up in the operating room, having surgery to repair there bodies. It is even possible to have your esophagus completely removed. And under the
Antidiarrheals for Irritable Bowel Syndrome-References
A list of resources for information on Antidiarrheals for Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
What's the Real Reason You Get Heartburn or GERD?
Using pharmaceutical medicines for indigestion can actually be harmful especially when used in the long term. Find out how and why you get this problem in the first place and what you do about it naturally.
Physical Activity and Risk of Esophageal Cancer
What does the latest research say about the role of exercise in preventing certain types of esophageal cancer?
Laryngospasm: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments
WebMD explains laryngospasm -– a frightening experience that affects breathing and speaking -- and its link to gastroesophageal reflux disease.
Rectal Prolapse-Topic Overview
What is rectal prolapse? Rectal prolapse occurs when part or all of the wall of the rectum slides out of place,sometimes sticking out of the anus. See a picture of rectal prolapse. There are three types of rectal prolapse. Partial prolapse (also called mucosal prolapse). The lining (mucous ...