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Antiques & Arts & Crafts : Home & Garden

Do' s And Don'ts While Using Coils During Metal Search

Coils form an important part of your tool during metal search. Coils are the outer parts of metal detectors which are round and flat in shape. During the process, these coils are passed over the ground surface to detect signals.

Finish Sanding Cabinet Doors

Article about finishing sanding of cabinet doors with automatic machine for the cabinet maker. Finishing sanding explained.

How to Make a Fun Mars Rover From Everyday Objects!

Build this great Mars Rover with just a few items you can find around the house. This is a fun craft for kids, parents, teachers and educators to learn to build, and you can make it with very simple supplies.

5 Gift Ideas For Counted Cross Stitch

Why not show off your talent with cross stitch and make a gift for someone special in your life. With a bit of spare fabric and leftover threads it is amazing what you can create.

Bedroom Lighting Tips

The bedroom has specific lighting needs, just like the living room and the kitchen area. Lights are not simply installed for lighting purposes only. Aren’t you wondering why it is that bedroom had a dimmer light compared to the bright light of the kitchen?

Crochet Graph Pattern Tips

Crocheting a graph pattern can be a lot of fun. I find ithard to put down once I start working on one. It's almost like painting a picture and so much fun to watch the pictureemerging row by row.

DIY: Paper Tube Blooming Flowers

These flowers make the perfect bunch. They are so much fun to make and really do look like spring time blooms – which is surprising as they are made from a toilet paper roll!

Making Your Own Calligraphy Ink

If you're serious about producing quality calligraphy work, the calligraphy pen is not the only important tool you'll need. Creating your own calligraphy ink gives you great control over your work.

Antique Toilet Information

Flush toilets first became common in the late 19th century. While many models of that era resemble modern examples, others are masterpieces of Victorian and early 20th century craftsmanship. Technology continued to improve throughout the period, resulting in internal designs similar to those of tod

Model Trains MTH - An Industry Leader

Mike Wolf, who is the owner of MTH model trains has invested over 50 million dollars in the tooling his companies uses to manufacture it's products. Mike, who not unlike many other enthusiast began his venture with this hobby as a child, and then added his own twist to this interest by turning

How to Make a Boat

The following article will not teach you how to build a boat from start to finish but instead will allow you to make design considerations so that you get the small details correct. Typically these tips should be used towards the end of a boat building project as they are simply additions and maint

Little Angel

Little Angel - Who is Don Winton? If you are a cookie jar collector - You already know and are probably familiar with these cute jars -

Dinosaur Cookie Jar -- Unknown Maker

If you have youngsters in the household, it's a pretty good bet that they are or will be fascinated with dinosaurs. Why not help them along by collecting a herd of dinosaur cookie jars.

The Birdhouse - A Collector's Dream

Are you a collector? How did you decide to start collecting whatever it is that you collect? If you are a bird lover, a garden lover or just love looking at detail and variety, you might consider becoming a birdhouse collector.