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Antiques & Arts & Crafts : Home & Garden
Getting The Most Out Of Your Bird Watching
When you first start bird watching, you'll quickly gain an appreciation for the various species you sight. After a few sessions, however, you'll want to raise your birding game to new levels. Here are some tips on how to get the most out of your birding.
Preparing Self-Made Candles
For over the years, people have known how to prepare candles. Once it was only needed to give us light in the evenings, but then we discovered the process itself, was fun thus making it one of our pastimes.
Monkey Printable Valentine's Day Card
Print out and make this free printable Valentine's Day card featuring a monkey design.
Maddux Raggedy Andy
A look at licensed Raggedy Ann and Andy jars, as well as other Rag Doll jars available over the years.
Valentine's Day Napkin Ring Templates
Print out and make personalized napkin rings for your next Saint Valentine's Day Dinner or other Christmas event! They are easy to print and make, and they are free.
Pirate Crafts Will Make Any Kid Feel Like A Real Life Pirate
There are many crafts that kids of all ages can do but a favorite craft with kids is the pirate craft. This way they can make their craft and then have fun acting like a pirate at sea.
The 5 Greatest Train Journeys Today
These are the five best train tours currently running worldwide that you could take while on vacation or model your railroad from to create beautiful vistas and gorgeous scenery. These journeys were picked for their classic rail beauty, great scenery, and regional appeal. They are presented in geogr
Diamond Encrusted Hot Wheels
An amazing diamond encrusted Hot Wheels car up for auction and benefiting Big Brothers and Sisters.
How to Put Water in the Mattel Screecher
The Screature Interactive Dinosaur made by Mattel is bound to captivate a child with its gaping mouth, big claws and ability to attack on command. Designed for ages four and up, the toy has an infrared sensor to detect movement and respond to petting from its owner. One of the Screature's distinctiv
Pick Great Photo Paper When You Print Your Photos
You have great solo digital camera shots and wonderful moments with your friends, family, and loved ones. These photos would be great images to keep in your album or scrapbook, and you decided to print them out. It is good that your images are of high quality. Your printer is one the latest models;
Zoids Model Kits - A Must For Fans
Zoids fans are no doubt familiar with Zoids Zero and its always fascinating action figures. It has been noted that throughout the existent of Zoids, fans have been eager in collecting these toys in the market as these model kits are a worthy component in their ever growing collection.
Radio Controlled Boats Run Time
When you get involved in the hobby of radio controlled boats, you have a couple of decisions to make. The first one is, go with electric radio controlled boats, or those that run on fuel (usually nitro)? But how long do these radio controlled boats run?
Collections of Old Silver Dollars
The hobby of collecting old silver dollars is one that appeals to a great many people but one thing to keep in mind is the appeal of old coins is often in the fact that there may be several designs from even one minting year. The difference in designs these old coins is due to the early practicethat
Earth Quote Garden Stepping Stone
See a picture of a home-made garden stepping stone made by Vanessa in MO. It features a picture, flattened marbles, and a cute quote about Earth.
How to Make Candles at Home - Solitary Hobby Or Family Affair
We have mentioned that candle making is relaxing but it is not just that. Once you complete your project and see the results, you find you will have a tremendous feeling of creative satisfaction. And when you become good at it - it's even better!
Activities and Outings Are Very Therapeutic
Everybody needs a diversion, something to fill the time. Many facilities such as nursing homes, hospitals and schools promote leisurely activities as a form of relaxation and a chance to explore and also to express oneself.
Dollhouse Bathroom Dollhouse Furniture And Other Greats Among Rooms And Selections
There is actually an extensive variety of colors, patterns, and materials for these items, so there are just as many choices for you in the bathroom as in any other room in the dollhouse.