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Jokes & Riddles & Humor : Society & Culture & Entertainment

Hillary Still Standing

A political cartoon featuring Barack Obama failing to knock down Hillary Clinton.

Frodo Failed

A funny picture showing George W. Bush wearing the One Ring from Lord of the Rings. Frodo has failed.

Oscar Jong-Un

A political cartoon about Kim Jong Un and the Sony hacking scandal.

Games to Play with Cold Callers

Cold callers.They always know when you are about to sit down and eat, or get in the bath - which is precisely when they call about selling you ... something you don't want.Get your own back - treat them as a form of entertainment!

Funny Questions About Life - Part 4

Here they are - even more Funny Questions About Life. After reading parts 1 through 3 your probably thought that was all there is. Well, you're so wrong question breath. So if you're ready to waste some more of your life pondering these profound questions of profundity - read on!

The Year That Wasn't

A Review Of The Zany Stories You Never Heard About by Michael D. Hume, M.S. It's no secret that the hard-working "journalists" in today's American media are the world's most thorough - providing, of course, ...

Life and Having Fun

Watching cartoons has been part of my daily routine. There are lots of things that you can learn from them like having fun and not taking life too seriously. The cartoon characters often portray the kind of life that we live each day; chaotic, fun, difficult, queer, strange and sometime a mixture of

Occupying My House

A political cartoon about the Occupy Wall Street protests.

Stag Party Activities

Party Activities for Stag Scotch up the gusto and feel the unbeatable surge with these daring activities!Stags,punch your way for a dramatic and enchanting fun of real challenge. Party activities for the stags,takes you a ...

Funny Comic Strips - Important Tips

You need to understand fundamentals of funny comic strips, which are created sincerely without any kind of favoritism or narrow prejudices. The main aim should be the presentation of humor for the sake of humor only.

Love forever of Elegent Tory Burch Shoes

There is going says that Tory Burch Shoes is the women's face, its famous for its reasonable price and pure quality. what makes you surprised is that our online stores will provides you free fast ...

How to Make a Funny Prank Call

I have to admit then when I was a kid I used to be involved in some random calls to people I didn't know. We would say and do stupid things simply to amuse ourselves. Not only is this immoral, it's not very funny either!

Palin Swims Upstream

A political cartoon depicting Sarah Palin swimming upstream.

Humor - Sex Helps for Old Men

Old men are interested in sex. You can be sure of that. The interest in sex starts before grade school and never stops-for old men. Things to do when Viagra is out and Enzyte doesn't work.

Silence of the Palins

A poster depicting Sarah Palin starring in Silence of the Palins.

I Just Want One Marriage

A funny protest sign that says, 'I Just Want One Marriage, It's Not Like I'm Newt Gingrich or anything.'

Hillary Fudd

A political cartoon poking fun at Hillary Clinton and her remarks about hunting.