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Children & Kid Health : Health & Medical

Advantage Of Free Baby Stuff

This is one advantage you can take from getting free items for your baby’s needs. Having a baby can be very fun but you have to take note that it can also be very expensive.

Sonotrax Fetal Doppler Display Information

The Sonotrax fetal Doppler display is a device manufactured by Edan Instruments, a Chinese company. This monitoring system can be used by an obstetric doctor, a midwife or a pregnant woman with the purpose of listening to the heart rate of the fetus as early as in the mother's 10th week of pregnancy

How Does a Baby Get a Flat Head?

A baby's skull is not closed together to allow room for the brain to grow, which means that the separate plates of the skull can move around, changing the shape of the infant's head. If the baby is laid down in the same position each time, his skull can flatten on the side that presses on...

Poison Ivy - Poison Ivy Treatment Guide

Learn to prevent and control the poison ivy rash with common poison ivy treatments, including wet compresses, antihistamines, topical steroids, and oral steroids.

Baby Development Stages: Language and Communication

During the first year of a baby's life they rapidly transition through numerous stages of development. The ability to communicate is essential and the following is a guide of age expected development

Top Baby Safety Products For Safe Sleep

Many experts consider that bare baby cribs are the safest thing for the babies. Reasons for such views are that blankets, bumpers or toys can often create problems for the babies like suffocation. Such things can even render risks of SIDS. Baby safety products ensuring safe sleep are becoming very p

Making Decisions to Limit Treatment in Children

This document addresses the most difficult aspect of pediatric care. It provides an ethical and legal framework for making decisions to limit life-sustaining treatments in children.

Personalized Baby Blanket - The Best Gift For New Born Babies

Having a new born baby is considered the greatest news in life for most of the people. Honestly speaking, purchasing presents for babies brings a lot of joy to both the babies' parents as well as the gift givers. What is the best gift you can present to your friends who have just got their litt

Symptoms of Down Syndrome

Learn more from WebMD about the early signs of Down syndrome and some of the physical problems that may occur with this syndrome.

Study Suggests Screening Kids for Cholesterol

Kids with very high cholesterol risk having diabetes and heart attacks as young adults. But current screening misses 1 in 3 fifth-graders who need treatment, a study suggests.

Lead Risk Lurks in Spice Rack

The curry powder in your cabinet may pose a lead poisoning risk to your children, according to a new study.