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Lung Health : Health & Medical
How Smoking Affects Lung Capacity
Smoking can damage your lungs and make breathing difficult. The longer you smoke and the more you smoke, the more damage you do. Quitting can be hard, but there is help available. Not quitting can cause chronic symptoms and life-threatening conditions.
Find WebMD's comprehensive coverage of bronchitis, including medical reference, news, pictures, videos, and more.
Garden Fungus Kills British Man
A fungal lung infection, aspergillosis, killed a healthy 47-year-old British man who inhaled spores stirred up while mulching his garden.
Rodents That Carry Hantavirus-Related Information
A list of topics related to Rodents That Carry Hantavirus.
Postural Drainage: Upper Lobes (Back)
Illustration adapted with permission from the University of Wisconsin Medical School.Have the child lean forward 30 degrees. Clap with a cupped hand between the collarbone and shoulder blade on each side of the back. ...
Relationship of Inflammation to Hospitalization in Cystic Fibrosis
In cystic fibrosis, what is the relationship of inflammatory biomarkers to lung function and hospitalization history?
Antibody-Based Tissue Factor Antagonist in Acute Lung Injury
Can ALT-836 be safely administered to patients with sepsis-induced ALI/ARDS?
Pulmonary Hypertension in Advanced COPD
Pulmonary hypertension is a common complication seen in patients with advanced chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
Non-Pharmacologic Interventions for Asthma During Pregnancy
Are non-drug therapy options effective for pregnant women with asthma?
Breathing Exercises to Relax
Stress and anxiety can have a devastating affect on anyone, from small children to seniors. To relieve anxiety and to help promote a sense of calm, breathing exercises go a long way to encouraging and providing a great sense of relaxation.
How to Breathe in a Bag While Hyperventilating
Hyperventilation is the act of breathing too fast. These rapid breaths do not allow your body to properly absorb the required oxygen. A lack of oxygen can cause unconsciousness or death, therefore it is important to get your breathing under control. One technique you can use at home is breathing int
Evaluating the Safety of Air Travel for COPD Patients
What is the best way to assess whether a patient with COPD is at risk for arterial hypoxia during air travel?
Lung Health Special Feature Stories and News
Find special feature stories and news on Lung Health at WebMD.
Antibody-Based Tissue Factor Antagonist in Acute Lung Injury
Can ALT-836 be safely administered to patients with sepsis-induced ALI/ARDS?
Common Side Effects of Radiation Therapy for Cancer
Do you know these potential short term and long term side effects of radiation therapy for cancer treatment
Indacaterol on Dyspnea in COPD
Better breathing may be achievable and sustainable with indacaetrol, but what's the efficacy factor?
What is the Definition of the Term Malignant?
What is the medical definition of the term malignant?
What Causes COPD?
Smoking, dirty air in the workplace, and asthma can lead to COPD. Learn what causes this lung problem and how to protect your lungs.
Exhaled Breath Condensate in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis
Is there such a thing as biomarker-breath -- in patients with pulmonary fibrosis?