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Lung Health : Health & Medical
COPD Diet Guidelines: Protein, Calcium, Reducing Sodium, and More
Get dietary guidelines for COPD from WebMD. Learn about the roles of protein, calcium, sodium, fluids, and more.
Airway Remodeling in Asthma: Is Bronchospasm the Culprit?
A study that seeks to determine the true mediator of airway remodeling has implications for clinicians treating asthma.
Lung Health Special Feature Stories and News
Find special feature stories and news on Lung Health at WebMD.
Budesonide/Formoterol Therapy in Asthma
Asthma sufferers in Asia and beyond may benefit from this one-two punch combo. Find out why.
COPD and Heart Failure: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, and More
WebMD explains the similarities and differences between COPD and heart failure and how the two conditions are treated together.
COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease)-Other Places To Get Help
OrganizationsAmerican Lung Association61 Broadway, 6th FloorNew York, NY 10006Phone: (212) 315 - 87001 - 800 - LUNG - USA (1 - 800 - 586 - 4872)1 - 800 - 548 - 8252 (to speak with a lung professional)E - mail: info@lungusa.orgWeb Address: The American Lung Association, along
Indacaterol on Dyspnea in COPD
Better breathing may be achievable and sustainable with indacaetrol, but what's the efficacy factor?
What Does it Mean if I Have Pain in My Shoulder Blades?
There are many causes of pain in the shoulder blades. Is it a minor nuisance or a serious concern?
Impact of Asthma, Bronchitis and Rhinitis on Hospitalizations
What impact do these breathing-related conditions have on hospitalization?
New Cause Eyed for Adult-Onset Asthma
The cause of adult-onset asthma remains elusive, but a new study looks at the role that micronutrients may play.
Prognostic Information From Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing in IPF
In this video blog, Dr. Andrew Shorr discusses a meta-analysis on the prognostic value of longitudinal cardiopulmonary exercise tests on mortality in patients with IPF.
Medical History for Pneumonia-Credits
A list of contributors to the topic on Medical History for Pneumonia.
How to Elevate Pillows for Breathing Problems
The most common breathing problem during sleeping is snoring. According to, "snoring is caused by a narrowing of your airway, either from poor sleep posture or abnormalities of the soft tissues in your throat. A narrow airway gets in the way of smooth breathing and creates the soun
What Does the Term Pulmonary Embolism Mean?
A pulmonary embolism can be deadly. What symptoms and risk factors should everyone know?
Abnormal Respiration
Respiration is the process by which the body uses oxygen to convert food to energy. According to Case Western Medical School, the body must be able to control oxygen intake and rate of breathing in order to remain healthy. A variety of conditions can interfere with normal respiration. Abnormal respi
Lung Surgery for Emphysema Improves Life
Lung volume reduction surgery can improve the lives of only certain people with emphysema, a study shows.
How to Cope With Being Short in Stature
People come in all different shapes and sizes. Some are happy with their bodies; others, including those considered "short," are not. They may have trouble finding clothes that fit them or can't reach certain items in the grocery store. While there may be disadvantages to being short, dwelling on th
What is a Complete Blood Count (CBC) and What Does it Test?
What is the definition of complete blood count (CBC), and what types of blood cells are tested when a CBC is drawn?
Autopsy Study of Combined Pulmonary Fibrosis and Emphysema
Clinical evaluation to differentiate the characteristic features of pulmonary fibrosis and emphysema is often difficult in patients with combined pulmonary fibrosis and emphysema. . .
How to Reduce Wheezing
A rattling in your chest and faint whistle while you breathe is a sure sign of asthma, a respiratory disorder that reduces your ability to breathe due to inflamed, narrow airways. Medication can help to reduce the frequency of asthma attacks, while inhalers are useful for reducing asthma symptoms. I