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Mental Health : Health & Medical

How To Fight Depression By Choosing New Friends

I totally agree that having ones core values written down, even framed and stuck in ones room is beneficial to "staying on course" with who one is. Just ask yourself repeatedly what you believe in ...

Identifying And Coping With Attention Deficit Disorder

Attention Deficit Disorder is a neurological dysfunction but your best chances of coping with it and making it better for the afflicted child (or adult) is an early diagnosis.Learn to identify the signs of ADD and ADHD and be aware of a consistent display of these symptoms.

Fire-Stop Methods for Conveyors

Conveyor belts are used within the manufacturing industry as a way of transporting products throughout a manufacturing site. Because of the volatile nature of the products, the potential for a fire exists while the conveyor belts are in motion. Fire-stop methods for conveyors that prevent the spread

Homeopathic Drug Detox at Home

While detoxification of drugs has a negative connotation, there are many Americans who are in need of it without their knowledge. Alcohol abusers, cigarette smokers and caffeine addicts may not be hurting their bodies as much as heroin and cocaine users, but there is still significant damage being d

How to Deal With Panic Attacks During Pregnancy

You've taken the pregnancy test. The line on the stick told you months ago that you were going to experience one of the greatest joys in life: you're having a baby. It is so easy to become caught up and flustered when thinking about the birth and raising of a child, however such joy and ha

Understanding Attention Deficit Disorder In Girls

Attention deficit disorder is a problem that affects people of all ages and genres, is often diagnose in child but there are many teenagers and adults with this problem. However there are some main differences in boys and girls with ADD that make it difficult diagnose in some instances.

How To Become What You Think About

Whether you want to lose weight, build muscle or just improve your cardiovascular health, the mind plays a huge role. Learn how to control the mind to aid your health and fitness goals.

Healthy Ways To Deal With Depression

Whenever someone is sick with a cold or soar throat they will not hesitate to visit a doctor. But, if the problem is mental then people are much more reluctant to visit a doctor. Not ...

Affirmations to Enhance Self-Esteem

There exists many programs to help sufferers of low self-esteem to boost it. However, the CD's on the market are often too general and do not exactly respond to a person's need.

Research on Chemical Addiction & Its Effects on the Family

The negative effects of substance abuse on families have been proven time and again by scientific research throughout the world. Financial problems, violence and delinquent kids are just a handful of effects that are correlated with parents who abuse drugs. At the same time, a healthy home environme

Practical Ideas for Spiritual Development

Contemplating life.contemplation en altitude image by David Antczak from Fotolia.comThere are many things you may want to know about yourself as well as the world around you. You may be wondering why you are alive and what your purpose on this earth is. As you go through your daily...

Neuroscience and ADHD

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, commonly referred to as ADHD, affects both children and adults. Although the exact cause of ADHD is unknown, according to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), ongoing research in neuroscience--a medical field focused on the study of the brain itse

How to Know Yourself Better

Most of us believe that we know ourselves better than anyone in this world. But a lot of people are still strangers to themselves. Why? Not everyone is courageous enough to travel the path within to achieve a better self-understanding. For a person to have a well-lived life, it is important that he

How to Deal With Depression With Talk Therapy

Depression is a serious medical condition that can affect many facets of your life. The most commonly used approaches to treat depression are medication and talk therapy. Your doctor will help you determine the best treatment option depending on your unique needs and the severity of your condition.

Excessive Yawning And The Panic Attack Cycle

During my 6 years battle with generalized anxiety and panic attacks, excessive yawning was a bothersome symptom for me. Had I known the information I am presenting to you in this article, I would have made the connection between anxiety and excessive yawning faster.

Anxiety Cure Secrets - 5 Simple Tips to Relieving Chronic Anxiety

While diagnosing anxiety has become simpler in the last few years, finding an anxiety "cure" is still a difficult task. Now there are many anxiety treatment options including medication, hypnosis, herbal remedies and behavioral therapy. ...