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Mental Health : Health & Medical

Will ADHD Go Away?

One of the first questions parents ask when their children get diagnosed with ADHD is whether the condition might go away with age. Unfortunately, this isn't a question that can be simply answered with a yes or no. You see, ADHD is a spectrum disorder, which means that no two individuals have t

Panic Attacks - Gain an Understanding, Get Permanent Relief

Panic attacks are common and what's more they are effecting more and more people of all ages. Not really a big surprise given the state of world affairs at the moment. A panic attack can be very scary, no doubt about it. The point is though a natural permanent cure that doesn't involve sid

Getting Emotional About Sleep Disorders

Insomnia is a symptom of something else. That 'something else' can range from a physical condition, pain, age related sleep disorder pattern, the side effect of drugs, upset circadian rhythm patterns (such as jet lag and shift work), etc. And one of the biggest factors behind sleep disorde

ADHD After School

Enrich your child's education with ADHD after school activities. Not only will these activities develop your child's innate talents, but it will keep him or her safely occupied during the hours after school.

Panic Away Doesn't Work - Truth or Fiction?

There's a lot of talk around the internet lately claiming that Panic Away doesn't work. Some people are very outspoken about it, too. Despite the great reputation Panic Away has earned so far, it's rather alarming to think that these rumors are, in fact, true.

Wellness and Your Energy Field

Do we really choose to feel well? Can we actually control what diseases we get? Are some diseases hereditary? Science has some news for us, and it's all about the energy field.

Brain Power: Mind and Body

A splash of new research emphasizes what has generally been accepted for a long time. Keeping the brain active and well tuned is best achieved by a combination of both intellectual stimulation and physical exercise. The aging mind and body has a certain amount of inevitable decline.

6 Of The Most Often Asked Questions About Childhood ADHD

There are approximately 10 million children with ADHD. Some would argue that this number could be low due to the number of undiagnosed cases; especially in girls and those children who don't exhibit obvious ADHD symptoms. Now if you have a few minutes to spare why don't we get down to busi

ADHD - Parenting the Out of Control Emotions

I was one of those blubbering ADHD children that cried about everything. I cried, without fail, every morning and my mother reports that I did not stop crying until I was in High School. I mostly cried about going to school.

An Overview of Growth Hormone Issues in Children With Cerebral Palsy

We've all heard the horror stories about the abuse of HGH (human growth hormones) in aspiring athletes the world over, but just because something gains its notoriety from abuse, doesn't mean the same advances in science don't have real value when manufactured, distributed and administ

What is the Drug Reminyl Used to Treat?

Alzheimer's disease is a devastating condition that affects thousands of elderly patients around the globe. A form of dementia, Alzheimer's disrupts normal brain function, leading to memory loss, confusion, and disorientation. It is a degenerative, incurable disease that requires a complicated cours

Too Much Bipolar?

Bipolar disorder is receiving much attention in the media and is more frequently diagnosed today by many mental health specialists than ever before. It has in fact almost become as commonplace as the flu or ...

Dangers of Smoking for Diabetics

It is well-documented that smoking is dangerous to your health. Cigarette packages are required to include a warning from the Surgeon General stating that smoking causes lung cancer, heart disease, emphysema and pregnancy complications. Diabetes can also cause several health problems if it's not co

About Natural Anxiety Relief Pills

Anxiety sufferers know it can be difficult to find a solution to your stress. Managing anxiety on your own can be frustrating and you risk a panic attack at the most inopportune moments. Prescription anxiety medications, on the other hand, can make you drowsy, and many medications, like Xanax or Klo

Addiction: Major Key Signs

A lot of people use the term "addiction" more than it genuinely ought to be said. We have a tendency to assert to be "addicted" to everything from chocolate to action movies and everything in ...