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Pets Cats : Pets & Animal
A Guide in Determining Cat Dermatophytosis
Have you ever thought of a cat having ringworms? Ringworms also known as dermatophytosis is a fungal infection that can affect human and animals. Among animals, cats have the highest positive culture rate.
How to Use Epsom Salts to Treat Cat Wounds
Cats can be very physical and lash out easily if something bothers them. They fight other cats to protect their territory. Most of the wounds they sustain are inflicted by other cats during fights. Injuries can be serious and cause a good deal of concern. Bite wounds can be treated by a simple warm
Feline Bordetella
Feline Bordetella (also known as bordatella) is an often misunderstood disease and can be mistaken for other URIs in cats. Kari Winters, author and cat expert, shares her experiences with feline bordetella.
Cats - 7 Tips To Stop Disorderly Behavior Before You Both Need A Time-Out
Is your beloved cat acting drunk and disorderly? Sooner or later the problem must be addressed beforedisturbing the peace is out of control...
How Much Mineral Oil Should You Give Your Cat?
How much mineral oil is best for your cat?House Cat image by phizics from Fotolia.com1 to 2 TeaspoonsAccording to Simple Pet Care, oral administration of 1 tsp. of mineral oil per day for three days can be used to control a cat's vomiting or constipation.St Louis VMA suggests 1 to 2...
How to Grieve Through the Loss of a Pet
Ways to alleviate the pain felt from the loss a of a pet when you are living alone. When a beloved pet passes it is heartbreaking and the more alone you are the worse the pain feels.
2011 Cat Picture of the Week: Missy
This week's Cat Picture of the Week is a colorful tortoiseshell cat named Missy. Readers may submit their own tortie cats using a simple form on this site.
How to Identify and Correct Real Behavioral Problems in Your Cat
Cats are highly intelligent creatures who need little training or discipline to 'behave' the way their humans think they should behave. Learn how to separate undesirable behavior from communication of a cat's dissatisfaction, and how to correctly discipline a cat if indeed, a behavior
Project Jersey Kitties: Kittens Get New Digs
Follow the story of barn cat Tiger Lily and her three kittens through an amazing saga of rescue, travel and adoption. This happy ending story will delight cat lovers.
Is Wet Food Healthy for Cats?
Cat owners have long debated the virtues of dry food over wet, but some experts are trying to change that perception by educating cat owners about the benefits of wet food.
What Would Cause Sticky Secretions to Continuously Drain From a Cat's Mouth?
Cat are susceptible to a variety of ailments, including viruses and allergic reactions. Mucus secretions from your cat's mouth should sound an alarm for you to monitor your feline's behavior and condition closely, as they can be signs of cat flu, ulcers or allergies.
Black Cats Picture Gallery: Spooky
October has almost always been known as Black Cat Month, and our photo calendar would not be complete without photos of sleek black cats. Here are photos of October cats submitted by About Cats readers for your pleasure. Enjoy the Black Cats Picture Gallery.
How to Fix Carpet Ruined by a Cat
While you love your cat, you may not love the damage it can do to your home when it scratches. With their sharp claws, cats can leave long rips and tears in the carpet as they scratch. If left untreated, a rip can fray, becoming larger over time. Train your cat to use a scratching post instead of yo
Symptoms of Cat Allergies
Even the simple sight of a cute, fluffy kitten is enough to make some people sneeze. When they come in contact with the dander in the soft undercoat of cat fur, people with sensitive systems may have an allergic reaction. From watery eyes to swollen throats that are worthy of a visit to the emergenc
Two Kittens Picture Gallery: Sam and Jazzy
If you are thinking about getting a kitten, you should know that two kittens are better than one, for a number of reasons. Enjoy these photos submitted by readers of their own living proof that two kittens are better than one, then submit photos of your own two kittens.
How to Give Your Cat a Pill
If you've ever tried to give a cat a pill, then you know what a chore it can be. Let me enlighten you on how I give my cat her medication. It can be easier than you think.
Kitten Care For Newborn Kitten
Here are several facts, advices, tips and tricks that you may apply for the betterment of the kitty care. Kitten care is significantly important through the lifetime of the kitty but more in it's early months as a kitten. The coaching and the care of raising kittens you establish, will be its g
What Cat Furniture Is
While having lunch with a friend, I mentioned that I was thinking about buying a piece of cat furniture for my fur baby. She looked at me like I had two heads and then asked "Oh, like little tables and chairs?" Sort of like doll house furniture but for cats she asked.
Why Does Kitty Do What it Does?
Going inside your cat's head to see why it does what it does.What happens to a mother cat during her pregnancy has a lot to do with how the litter will turn out.
Treat Your Kitty With These 3 Cat Food Recipes
Give your kitty a break from the boring canned pet food available in the stores and cook up a delicious homemade treat instead. Apart from being full of preservatives, canned food is monotonous and of course, expensive. We have a list of some common cat food recipes that combine wholesome nutrition