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Pets Cats : Pets & Animal
How to Stop Cats From Licking Off Their Fur
As a cat owner you want your feline friend to be healthy and happy. A healthy cat is also a financial bonus because you will not be taking them to the veterinarian very often. But if your cat begins to lick off its fur, it may be necessary to pay the vet fee to find out the cause. Meanwhile, there a
Cats Picture of the Week Gallery: Hummel
The site for Cats has a CatPicture of the Week feature posted on the main page each week. A weekly email Cat of the Week newsletter, which rotates at random through previous Cat of the Week Pictures, also includes pictures of some cats which did not appear on the main page. They are all ga
Homemade Electric Pet Blankets
Keeping your pet warm in cold weather is an important step in keeping him healthy and safe. Indoor pets or pets that sleep in a garage or shed, might need a homemade electric blanket to help them keep their body temperature up. Homemade electric pet blankets should only be used indoors and should ne
Domestic Cats Picture Gallery: Cinder
While many cat breeds are popular among their aficionados, my favorite "breed," and that of many of my readers, is the so-called domestic cat, also known affectionately as moggie, alley-cat, or what is called in cat shows that include them, "household pet." My readers responded e
The Tortoiseshell Cat - Why Do They Call Them That?
A tortoiseshell cat has what's called a brindled color, sort of mishmash of many different colors, not unlike the shell of a tortoise. A true tortoiseshell will have no white in their coloring at all, although some people might still refer to any mishmash colored, striped cat as a tortoiseshell
The Perils of Dry Cat Food
Cats are obligate (true) carnivores and need a diet that is heavy in meat-based protein. However, the majority of dry cat foods available at the supermarket contain a high level of grains and vegetable matter (carbohydrates) that aren't necessarily good for your pet.
How to Solve Kitten Hissing Problems
To try to solve the problem of your kitten hissing at you or at every other person who comes near him, you should first understand the reason behind this. Hissing is an act of defense for the kitten. He may be afraid of a person or another animal so the kitten hisses to try to scare them away.
Cat Trees Can Help You Protect Your Furniture From Cats
Even if cat owners love their pets very much, sometimes it may get really annoying to see your feline curling up on your furniture leaving fur everywhere. In case all this makes you anxious, it may be a good idea to provide your pet with a cat tree. Cat trees are constructions with numerous platform
Raw Feeding Your Cat: Observable Benefits
Two of my cats are young and full of bounce, the older female is also healthy so I can't speak from personal experience about the positive benefits of raw feeding for cats with chronic illnesses such a diabetes. However, there are two things I can attest from personal experience: my cats have f
Cats Gone Wild - The Myth
It's a commonly held belief that cats are so independent they can "go wild" if released to fend for themselves. But this is a myth that causes many cats to perish as they try to survive in a hostile and unfamiliar environment.
Cutest Cat Contest Picture Gallery: Kyle
Cutest Cat Contestant Kyle. Is your cat the cutest cat in the world? is pleased to announce the Cutest Cat Picture Contest. Please read the rules carefully, then submit your Cutest Cat photo by following these Guidelines.
Cat Mice Toys - Choosing the Best For Your Cat
Cat mice toys are a great way for your feline to keep in shape. They are fun for both the feline and the pet owner. Watching your beloved fur ball get crazy with a fuzzy mouse will keep you laughing for quite awhile.
Holistic Medicine for UTI in Cats
Holistic veterinary practitioners treat the whole cat, not simply the infecting organism. Along with an antibacterial cure --- or sometimes instead of --- a holistic veterinarian may recommend herbal or homeopathic remedies for strengthening urinary tract health and preventing recurrent infections.
Three Things To Know About Sphynx Cats
Hairless cats or a breed known as Sphynx cats, have been seen on television series such as Friends, My Cat From Hell and LA Ink and movies like Austin Powers and Cats and Dogs 2. The popularity of this breed is increasing but owning and caring for a Sphynx Cat requires skills that not all cat owners
How Do You Catch a Kitten That Is Wily and Runs From You?
Catching a wild kitten is important to its health and longevity. Wild adult cats are usually not able to be socialized into families, and so live on the street where lifespans are shortened by disease, starvation and fighting. When caught as a kitten, often it can be socialized to become a pet. Once
How to Spot Cat Hoarding
When someone you know or live near begins to collect a large number of cats, without the means to care for them, she may have a condition known as hoarding. A hoarder does not believe that she has a problem, instead believing that she is saving the cats or protecting them in some way. Without help,
Felines and Bladder Infections
Felines and bladder infections go together like peas and carrots. While I wish this weren't the case it is and my cats certainly have had their share of these types of infections.
The Best Moist Cat Food For a Diabetic Cat Doesn't Come in a Packet
If you are looking for the best moist cat food for a diabetic cat, I challenge you to look a bit deeper. Why does your cat have diabetes? Cats never used to get this disease. It's a relatively new one. Why should this be?
2009 Valentine Cats Picture Gallery: Madam
Although our bond with our cats goes on beyond life itself, on Valentine Day, we celebrate our love for them, theirs for us, and for other cats they bond with. These cat-enhanced Valentine cards were sent by our community of readers of the Cats site, and I invite you to enjoy them as I do.