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Pets Cats : Pets & Animal
Cat Trees - Every Active Cat Needs One
Every active cat needs a place where it can run, scratch, jump and play. Now, there is one of two places that it can do that, either on your furniture or on marvelous cat trees.
Pancreatitis In Cats - Easily Prevented, Easily Cured
Pancreatitis in cats, as in anyone, is when the pancreas becomes inflamed. The condition can be acute (short lived) or chronic (there for the life of the cat). The pancreas is an important organ of the digestive system, the renal system and the respiratory system. Diabetes is a common consequence of
Homeopathic Diet for a Senior Cat
As cats begin to age, they may have less energy and become more prone to developing kidney disease and diabetes. According to veterinarian Jeffrey Levy, adjusting your senior cat's diet to incorporate raw foods will help keep the animal in optimal health. Work with your veterinarian to determine wha
An Allergy to Your Cat? Don't Get Rid of Your Pet, Get Rid of the Allergen
Having a cat when you have an allergy to cats can become a major problem. Some people give up and simply dump the cat at the nearest Animal Shelter. But this is not necessary. Most people can learn to control cat allergens and enjoy the company of their feline friend without allergy symptoms.
Cats - Don't Strike Or Harm Them
Cat or dogs? Which one would you choose? Both of them are our cherished pets. But by nature cats are quite different from dogs. Their behavior might at times be strange, mysterious, exasperating and maybe even alarming.
How to Boost Your Cat's Immunity
A cat's immune system helps fight off bacteria, viruses, microbes and toxins. If this immune system is weakened, the feline might be at risk. Luckily, there are a few ways to keep your cat healthy by boosting her immune system. Much like humans, this can be done through a healthy diet, exercise, reg
Enjoying Life With Cats - 7 Ways to Make Living With Your Cat More Fun
So you have a real soft spot for your cat or cats. You're not alone. Over 38 million households in the United States alone have a least one cat. But sharing your space can be challenging. Attention to these 7 areas will help you and your cat be glad you found each other.
How to Tell the Difference between a Wegie and a Maine Coon
While cat breeds including the Norwegian Forest Cat, or Wegie, and the Maine Coon have similar characteristics, including long hair, large bodies and tufted paws and ears, there are ways to tell these breeds apart. Differences exist in tails, ears and body mass. Take a close look at the cat in quest
Grooming Tools for Dogs & Cats
When it comes to our beloved pets, grooming is very important. Many dogs and cats, especially with long hair, need to be groomed on a regular basis. In addition to shedding, other reasons to groom your pet include getting rid of fleas and dander. There are a few tools used to keep their coats looki
Is Frontline Plus the Best?Don't Discount Advantage For Cats When Looking For Flea Killers
Meow, Meow, Meow, Meow... If your cat could talk, do you think he'd be asking for a different kind of cat food or perhaps a different kind of cat flea control? Cats and fleas are certainly not a good combination, but let's face it, if your cat could talk, he'd probably be telling you
Just Kittens Picture Gallery: Buffy and Tara
Everybody loves kittens, and kitten lovers particularly enjoy looking at pictures of kittens. Enjoy these reader-submitted photos of kittens then submit your own kitten pictures, using the Photo Guidelines. Please use 'Kitten Picture' as the subject of your email. This picture features kit
Getting Your Cat Exercise
Getting your cat exercise my be easier than you think! Read this article to find out more.
We Have a Litter Box - What More Does My Cat Need?
Cats have seen dramatic shifts in their status throughout history. The ancient Egyptians believed that cats could prevent people from dying, so cats were revered above all other animals. Today, the status of cats in American society has been elevated to new heights, and many people demonstrate this
How to Remove Plaque and Tartar on a Dog's Teeth Yourself
Pet owners often overlook a pet's dental health, but taking care of a dog's teeth is very important to maintaining its overall health. Just like people, dogs develop tooth decay and gum disease. Food particles get trapped between teeth and eventually lead to tartar and plaque along a dog's gum line.
How to Help Injured Animals on the Road
We've all seen them: Pitiful victims of an encounter with a human lying on the side of the road. It's a tough call when deciding if and when you should help out. Your heart's in the right place, but you aren't sure what to do. According to the nonprofit organization Culture Change, a group organized
Eliminating Cat Odor Problems
Discover how you can eliminate the pet odors that keep your friends away. Learn how you can now remove the pet odors in your home that the "Over-the-counter" products would not touch.
Osteoporosis in Cats
While it is well known that osteoporosis is a concern for older humans, this same loss of bone density can also affect our feline friends. Osteoporosis in cats may occur due to some medications, as a result of poor diet, or simply due to age.
Blood in Cat Stool May Not Be Serious
Blood in cat stool is not always a serious or life threatening illness.It could be an issue easily corrected with diet or supplements.
How to Rescue a Kitten From the Streets
So I went out to dinner with my wife last night. So 50 minutes later, I am walking back to my car. As I arrive, I see 7-8 people standing around my car. "Oh no" I think - "Someone has smashed my car. One day, I am going to learn to trust my instincts".
Cat Boosters - Don't Neglect Them Just Because Your Cat is an Indoor Cat
Thinking about saving bucks and skipping cat boosters this year? Cats are also susceptible to various respiratory illnesses too.