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Pets Cats : Pets & Animal

How to Make Yummy Homemade Cat Food

Lots of people are getting fed up with store bought or vet bought cat food. It's so expensive, and is it really any good for your furry friend, or is it just another way big companies make money?

Cat Care - The Best, The Easiest, The Most Natural

Providing the best cat care means looking back to how cats evolved. At the top of the important items of good cat care is nutrition. This needs to be in keeping with a cat's wild cousins. A cat's digestive system is still firmly based on how she evolved. Healthy cat care should also allow

Calico Cats Picture Gallery: Gracie

Calico cats represent the brilliant rainbow of colors in a sunny July day. Of all cat color patterns, Calicos are perhaps the loveliest with their tri-colored exuberance. Although most Calicos are females because of genetics, the rare male does sometimes pop up, as you will see in this cats picture

About a Snowshoe Siamese

The Snowshoe is a cat breed that has been obtained by crossbreeding a Siamese and a domestic shorthair cat. The Snowshoe, initially called "Silver Laces," was first bred in the 1950s. Breeders wanted to obtain a medium-sized feline, combining the body types of the Siamese and the American shorthair.

Why Do Cats Vomit So Much?

Despite what you may have heard, it's not normal for cats to vomit frequently. If your cat throws up more than the occasional hairball, he should be seen by a veterinarian. Frequent vomiting can be a symptom of a serious health problem. Here are some of the most common causes of vomiting in cats and

Lost Cat Help

Looking for a lost cat can seem like a daunting task, but starting your search early and in the right way can significantly improve your chance of finding your lost cat. First, try and stay calm. There is a good chance that your cat is nearby!

The Best Dry Food for Cats

Cats depend on their owners to provide them with the necessary nutrition to stay healthy and active. Choosing the proper diet for a cat can be overwhelming, but with proper research and shopping around the decision does not have to be difficult at all.

How To Treat Feline Diarrhea

Diarrhea in cats can be caused by a wide variety of problems, from a simple upset stomach to a serious life-threatening disease. It is important to recognize signs of a more serious condition and seek appropriate veterinary attention.

Rabies Reactions & Sphynx Cats

The Sphynx is a breed of cat known for being hairless. Sphynx cats have generally good health and a strong immune system. However, rabies will adversely affect the Sphynx just as it would in any other breed of feline. Rabies, a lethal virus, carries with it a feared reputation because of the fatal c

Stop Your Cat Scratching Once and For All

Like most pets, it is important to remember that while cats are domesticated to a certain extent, they still have many of their natural instincts left over. That's why they prey on mice and other animals, and also why they can scratch and even bite.

Cat Picture of the Week: Calypso

For several years now, Cats has featured a Cat Picture of the Week, and this year is no exception. Photos are chosen from submittals to any of the *other* picture galleries on this site (most often from the featured gallery of the month). My criteria is the quality of the photo, and the ca

Top Cat Furniture Items

Are you in need of cat Christmas ideas for your holiday shopping sprees that will take place over the holiday season? Perhaps you might want to take a look at some of the popular cat furniture items that are available for sale. There are a number of hot items that many pet owners enjoy purchasing fo

Cat Picture of the Week: Paris

Every week this site honors a Cat Picture of the Week, which is posted on the main page each week as well as in this gallery. This gallery contains Cat Pictures of the Week for the year 2009, each chosen from cat pictures submitted for the many different picture albums on this site. I do not accept

Autoimmune Skin Disease in Cats

Feline autoimmune diseases are conditions caused by the cat's immune system attacking the body as though it were diseased. Autoimmune diseases can manifest in many different ways, however the skin is commonly affected. The only way to treat autoimmune skin diseases in cats is to suppress the immune

Dog Diets

The health and well-being of a dog is largely dependent on its diet. A healthy diet can contribute to a dog's quality of life, giving it a long and fulfilling life. Any proper diet for a dog consists of nutritional food and clean water. Knowing diet options for dogs can help you make an informed dec

Why Does a Cat Have a Yellow and White Eye Discharge?

A cat's eyes are not really a window to its soul, but a window to its health. The cat's eyes should be clear and devoid of discharge. They should also be open, not partially closed, according to Discharge from the eyes is not uncommon in cats, especially when they first awaken.

The Problems You May Encounter While Breeding Your Cat

If you are thinking about breeding your cat, you should really take the decision seriously. There are so many cats that end up in rescue homes each day because people no longer want them. There are kittens as well as older cats in rescue homes, so it is important to remember that and be responsible

How to Heal a Cat's Broken Toe

When your cat is injured, your first instinct is to grab him and rush to the veterinarian's office. This is not always the best first move. If you suspect your cat has a broken toe and you don't pause to treat it first, the time you spend in the waiting room could see a simple hairline fracture deve

Tips for Take Your Cat to Work Day

Be cautious when letting your cat explore the 6 image by Galyna Andrushko from Fotolia.comTaking your cat to work for the day can be therapeutic, and not just if it halts your productivity by napping on the keyboard. The warm, familiar comfort of a cat in your lap may help...