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Pets Cats : Pets & Animal
Kittens Galore! Photo Album: Macy
Kittens Galore Photo Album - a new album containing dozens of photos of cute kittens.
Weight Loss in Felines
When a cat is not on a vet-recommended diet due to obesity, weight loss is often a serious symptom of illness or disease. This is especially true if the weight loss is sudden, or accompanied by other symptoms, such as poor hair coat, lack of appetite, vomiting and lethargy. Any cat that loses weight
Diabetes in Cats - Understanding the Disease and How it Can Be Treated
Diabetes is a very common disease that effects cats. The most common type of diabetes effecting cats is Type 2 which is known as Non-Insulin Dependent diabetes. This is the same type of diabetes that humans usually contract due to becoming overweight. Obesity can impair the pancreas from producing i
Cat House Training Problems No More
Are you having problems dealing with cat house training? If so, then one of the reasons is that you have to identify the cause of it. But the toughest part is figuring it out. So read on how to figure it out properly.
How Do Different Smells Affect a Cat's Behavior?
Smelling or olfaction plays a central role in the lives of cats. Smells assist a cat to recognize other individuals and are important during sexual activity, feeding and elimination. Cats possess a well-developed sense of smell from birth, being guided back to its preferred nipple on the nursing fem
How to Clean the Litter Box - Tips For Cat Owners
A cat won't use a dirty litter box, so you need to know how to clean it properly. Well, this article will explain you how to clean the litter box, keep reading...
5 Surefire Cat Urinary Tract Infection Symptoms to Keep an Eye Out For
Ever wondered how to figure out if your cat has a urinary tract infection? It can be difficult at first to figure out when your cat is suffering from a UTI since cats are highly tolerant to pain. However, there are some cat urinary tract infections symptoms that are serious red flags.
Cat Friendly Vets
Even with their very clean nature, cats still require grooming, health care and attention. They need all of these on a regular basis. It is essential to find a veterinarian who will take extra special care of your cat.
Halloween Cats Picture Gallery: Piper
A friend sent me a cute photo of a cat wearing a bonnet from the popular ICanHasCheezburger site. The cat sez, "Hope u dont plan on returning it cause ur blood will leave stains." The few times I've tried to put hats or outfits on my cats, I've gotten the same response.Just out o
Cat Urine Removal Recipe: How to Remove Cat Urine Stains and Smells From Fabrics
If you are looking at how to remove cat urine stains and smells from fabrics, then I can help. If you have tried general cleaning products and the stain or smell remains, then try my cat urine removal recipe solution, its well-known for removing stains and smells from furniture and carpets.
Home Remedy for Ear Mites in Cats
Ear mites are tiny creatures that like to live in the ears of cats. The ear is a warm, cozy home for them, but their presence will cause lots of irritation and distress to your cat. It is important to treat ear mites right away to prevent permanent damage to your pet's hearing.
Home Remedies For Cat Dandruff
Cats can get dandruff for a variety of reasons: advancing age, illness, exposure to dry weather/heat or being overweight can contribute to cat dandruff. Sad to say, some cats are lazy about their grooming or may in fact have an illness that makes it hard for them to groom.
Human Illnesses Caused by Cat Fecal Waste
While most cats do not spread diseases to humans, there are some diseases that can be transmitted through contact with cat feces. Called zoonotic diseases, they can be avoided by simple precautions like hand-washing and careful handling of cat litter.
Cutest Cat Contest Picture Gallery: Dolly 3*
Is your cat the cutest cat in the world? is pleased to announce the Cutest Cat Picture Contest. Please read the rules carefully, then submit your Cutest Cat photo by following these Guidelines.
How to Stop My Cat From Urinating Inside
Cats spray urine for a number of reasons, including to mark their territory, because of health problems, or just because they're stressed out. A cat will continue to spray urine until the underlying problem that caused the behavior is resolved. So it's just as important to understand why your cat is
How Does Cat Litter Absorb?
In the BeginningThe original kitty litter was made from hardened clay-based granules of zeolite, diatomite and sepiolite that originally cleaned up small oil or chemical spills in workshops. Clay is so absorbent that it can take on its own weight in moisture and still remain solid. The...
Hepatitis C and Cats
There seems to be a lot written lately about Hepatitis C. It is a disease that can develop into cancer causing liver failure.
Feline Urological Syndrome Magnesium Diet
Feline urological syndrome (FUS) is an overarching term that veterinarians use to describe urinary tract infections in felines. Urinary tract infections arise from various medical conditions, some of which include urinary blockages or kidney stones. Most urinary tract infections arise from a buildup