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Pets Cats : Pets & Animal
Cat Health Care Advice - How to Make Your Cat Live Longer
They say cats have nine lives but in reality, we all know they only have one. We need to make sure that they are properly looked after and given the best care and attention to ensure they live as long as possible.
Vaccine Associated Sarcoma in Cats
Discovering that your cat has a tumor can be quite devastating to a loving cat owner. It's even more traumatic when you discover that it may be a vaccine associated sarcoma. Here's the scoop on this story and help for fending off cancer in cats naturally.
Halloween Cats Picture Gallery: Tiny E
A friend sent me a cute photo of a cat wearing a bonnet from the popular ICanHasCheezburger site. The cat sez, "Hope u dont plan on returning it cause ur blood will leave stains." The few times I've tried to put hats or outfits on my cats, I've gotten the same response.Just out o
Buttercup Cats Picture Gallery: Tanner
April is a transitional month. It hasn't decided if it is really Spring yet, but also surprises us now and then with warm days that sneak a hint of things to come. April is the month of old buttermilk skies, Easter Egg hunts, and cotton candy dresses on little girls. April is also for pale yell
Cat Acne - Sick of Your Cat Suffering From Annoying Feline Acne?
Cat acne driving you and your pet crazy? If you have ever wondered what to do about feline acne then you should read to learn more...
Cat Grooming Techniques
Grooming cats involves brushing fur, clipping claws and bathing. Grooming is important to keep cats healthy and happy. It also helps protect furniture from being clawed and from being covered in fur. It is best to groom cats when they are calm and relaxed, so you may not want to do it all at one tim
Owner's Guide to Cat Chlamydia
Chlamydia in cats is a disease that can easily be spread. It causes symptoms of pink eye. This article will discuss everything you need to know.
Cat Supplies and Other Related Matters
A pet owner definitely should know the things that their animal companion needs. Few cats are very particular to the stuff which is being provided to them.Some pets dislike different things as compared to others. This article aims to inform regarding cat supplies.
2008 Cats Olympics Picture Gallery: Claudia & Felicity, Jr. Tail Bushing Event
Cats all over the world have been perfecting their skills at Cat Olympic events, such as Synchronized Sleeping, Power Yawning, Sumo Wrestling, and Broad Jumps. Unlike human Olympics, which are of a short duration, the 2008 Cat Olympics will continue through the end of the year. New entries are welco
Feline Urinary Problems - What Every Cat Owner Should Know
Did you know that feline urinary problems can range from a cat bladder infection to a life-threatening cat urinary blockage? Discover what causes cat urinary problems, and how to prevent them.
Cats Sickness - How to Spot Symptoms Early
Cats sickness can be any one of many. Spotting cats sickness is just as important as treating it. If you spot cats sickness early on then you will be able to treat it more effectively. This will save your cat's health and spare you from worse situations later on. Here are some ways of spotting
2008 Memorials to Special Cats: Little Bit
Creating a memorial to a cat you have loved and lost is a good way not only to honor your beloved kitty, but also to help you through the grieving process. These memorials speak for themselves of the bond between humans and cats that transcends life itself. It is always difficult to say goodbye by t
How to Treat a Cat With a Severe Gum Infection
Cats who are suffering from a severe gum infection most likely have or are in the beginning stages of developing feline gingivitis (gum disease). Bad breath and red gums are both good indicators of the problem. A vet can make the diagnosis after performing several laboratory tests. Almost all cats d
LitterMaid Reviews - The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
If you have been dreaming of litter box heaven, then you might have considered reading some LitterMaid Reviews and those of other vendors. I know I did. I found there are three key areas an individual needs to evaluate a litter box against. I am going to review these areas below.
Cat Collar Training
A cat collar is useful for identifying your pet if it gets outside by mistake, showing others it is not a stray, or warning potential prey with an attached bell. However, cats tend to resist collars and usually need to be trained to wear them.
The Most Important Things That You Need To Know About Cat Vitamins
Cat vitamins are gaining more popularity among pet owners, and rightly so. Adding supplements to your pet's daily diet can have a tremendous, positive impact on your cat's fitness, health, life span and happiness. This article will give the reader facts and information about cat vitamins.
Cat Memorials and Picture Gallery: Jojo
Creating a memorial to a cat you have loved and lost is a good way not only to honor your beloved kitty, but also to help you through the grieving process. These memorials speak for themselves of the bond between humans and cats that transcends life itself.
A Guide to Safe and Healthy Cat Weight Loss
Cat weight loss is not something to take lightly. Weight loss in cats can be due to a number of factors. In order to maintain a healthy cat, you will need to monitor his or her weight very closely.
Alternatives to Neutering a Cat
While there are alternatives to neutering cats, they aren't as effective.cats image by Zbigniew Nowak from Fotolia.comCats are neutered for two reasons: to prevent unwanted pregnancies and to change behaviors. For alternatives to spaying and neutering to be effective, they need to address...
Long Haired Dogs That Shed Lightly
One of the hardest parts about having a dog is cleaning up after it, especially if your dog frequently sheds. Dog hair clings to carpets, clothing and furniture and is difficult to remove. If you are looking for a dog that isn't going to shed much, you don't have to be limited by hairless or short-c