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Pets Cats : Pets & Animal

How to Switch to Feline Pine Cat Litter

Cats are very picky about the state of their litter box. If it's not clean enough for them, they won't use it. If you suddenly switch from clay cat litter to a litter that looks, feels or smells different -- like Feline Pine -- they will stop using it. Changing brands or types of cat litter takes pa

What Kind of Cat Litter Should Be Used for Kittens?

Of the many different types of cat litter, all are generally safe for felines of all ages. Choosing the most appropriate cat litter for your kitten should largely be left up to the kitten's own preferences. Keep in mind, however, that kittens can be prone to digesting their litter and are more susce

Interesting Facts About Ragdoll Cat Psychology

Ragdolls are maybe the most sociable and loving cats around. They are perfect companions for adults and children. In this small article I will present some of the basic characteristics of their psychology.

Readers' Cat Collectibles Picture Gallery: Artesan Crafted Cat Figurines

Cat collectibles are the finishing touch for homes that revolved around their resident cats. Almost nothing is more exciting to a cat lover than finding a new and unique object of art to add to his or her cat collectibles display. These pictures of cat collectibles were submitted to readers of cats.

Pregnant Cat Care - Learning to Care For the Mama-To-Be

Is your favorite feline pregnant? But more importantly, are you prepared to provide pregnant cat care for the mama to be? While it isn't all that difficult, cat care for the expectant mother does require that you take the time to learn a few important tips so that you can provide the best possi

Health and Behavior in Cats

Most of the "help!" emails I receive are about either health or behavior problems in cats. Readers are often surprised that sometimes there is a connection between the two. Learn more here about the factors related to cats' health. Also, the behavior section has been expanded with art

Cat Neutering Contraindications

Cat neutering contraindications.House Cat image by phizics from Fotolia.comThe term "contraindication" is defined by Merriam Webster's dictionary as a symptom or condition that makes a surgical procedure, such as neutering, inadvisable. Neutering your cat prevents him from siring kittens,...

What Causes Feline Dandruff?

Cats can have dandruff for a number of of cats image by jonnysek from Fotolia.comCat dandruff is a common condition that affects cats and causes white flakes on their bodies. According to, about 50 percent of cats suffer from the problem. Fortunately, there are...

Scratching Posts For Cats

An article on cat scratch posts. Find out the advantages and disadvantages of cat scratch posts before you make your purchase.

Bladder Stones in Cats

Bladder stones are hard, rock-like build ups of various minerals and crystals found in a cat's bladder. These stones can vary in size from small, sand like grains to larger stones, several millimeters in diameter. Bladder stones are not the same as kidney stones, and are more problematic, as a bladd

How to Get Rid of Cat Poop Smell

If you don't clean your litter box regularly the smell of cat poop can take over your house. This smell is strong and has a tendency to linger. You will want to address the issue and get rid of the cat poop smell right away. It is possible if you are willing to get down and dirty.

How to Transplant Catnip

Catnip plants thrive in nearly any area of the garden bed as long as they receive some moisture throughout the growing season. The herbs aren't just for cats -- the leaves also providing an aromatic herb for teas and cooking. The perennial catnip plant grows readily from seeds started indoors, or yo


Feline glossary definition of declaw (onchyectomy).

The Truth About Holistic Medicine and Holistic Healing

Holistic veterinarians practice holistic or complementary veterinary medicine. In contrast, conventional veterinary medicine focuses on managing the body by treating physical injury or trauma, providing vaccinations, or prescribing antibiotics.

Feline Urinary Tract Disease

Feline urinary tract disease is a common reason for a cats visit to the veterinarian. It is a disease that can be serious if not treated before it grows out of control. You are probably tired of frequent trips to the vet for treatment and tired of the side effects that the antibiotics will cause.

Cat Infections & Diseases

Recognizing symptoms of illness in your cat may save his life.cats 2 image by Dusan Radivojevic from Fotolia.comEven the most pampered cat can get sick. Knowing the diseases and infections that can afflict your cat and being able to recognize their symptoms is integral to early detection...