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Pets Cats : Pets & Animal

Common Cat Behavior Problems

The domesticated cat has evolved from wild animals and because of this your cat can sometimes have behavior problems. Litter box problems, spraying and aggressive behavior are a few of the problems cat owners can encounter.

Cutest Cat Contest Picture Gallery: Oscar

Is your cat the cutest cat in the world? is pleased to announce the Cutest Cat Picture Contest. Please read the rules carefully, then submit your Cutest Cat photo by following these Guidelines.

Emery Cat - 3 Helpful Tips

Emery Cat has been on the market for awhile now with many mixed reviews. Some think that it is the best thing on the market for cats that they have seen in a long time. Other say this cat board is just another ploy to get consumers' money.

Cat Flea Treatment - Essential For a Healthy Cat

Applying the topical flea treatment for cats is as simple as placing a few drops of the medicine on the top of the cat's neck. The only caution is to put the drops where the cat cannot reach them or lick them off.

Ragdoll Cat Breed Information

The Ragdoll cat breed was established in the 1960s by breeder Ann Baker, who lived in Riverside, Calif. Recognized by the Cat Fanciers' Association, she developed the Ragdoll line mostly from free-roaming (or stray) cats. Known for thier sociability, intelligence and beauty, Ragdolls are born in a

Cat Gestation Top Tips

If you have a pregnant cat at home, then you might be in for a tough and challenging time. During cat gestation, your pet will need special care and attention so that it can deliver healthy kittens and also keep herself in good condition. Knowing the length of your cat's pregnancy and the speci

Remedies for a Feline Sinus Infection

Sinus infections in cats can be an ongoing problem that may be the result of an infectious disease or a non-infectious disease. There are various remedies that are both natural and medicinal, which are effective at reducing and eliminating your cat's sinus infection.

Pregnancy Stages in Cats

Pregnant cats show different signs at different stages. The entire pregnancy takes between three to three-and-a-half months. During the first two stages , there will not be immediate physical signs and symptoms can be misinterpreted for illness. You should take the cat to a veterinarian to make sure

Red Cats Picture Gallery: Stevie

We celebrate red cats in our December Picture Calendar, but we love them year-round. December is a great month for snuggling with your cat in front of a crackling fire, particularly if your cat mirrors the colors of the flames. We also can't forget that December cats are red for the color of Ch

How to Feed a Cat a Balanced Diet

No single dietary plan can be considered ideal for every cat. Here are some general guidelines to help keep your cat healthy and her appetite satisfied.

Caring for a Cat - Tips to Take Care of Your Feline Friends

If you love cats or you are learning to take care of cats as your pets, it is important to help yourself with some information and useful skills that will allow you to take care of them well. Caring for a cat may not be that difficult especially if you really love them. You just have to master a few

Seven Ways to Tell That Your Cat Is About to Give Birth

The early signs of a pregnant cat can be subtle. However, changes in appearance and behavior will provide a warning. Once you are certain of the pregnancy, you can take additional steps to prepare yourself, your cat and your house. After about nine weeks of pregnancy, you can expect a litter of betw

How to Take Care of a Cut on a Cat's Nose

Keeping an animal healthy is a major responsibility of pet owners, and small cuts or scrapes need to be treated to prevent infection. For cat owners, treating cuts on the nose can be a bit complicated due to the tendency of cats to lick their noses. If your cat suffers a cut on the nose, treat the w

Animal Cruelty: Recent Stories

After reading several stories recently regarding cruelty to animals, especially cats I find it so hard to believe the carelessness and total disregard some people have for another's life. The story of Pink and the black kitten found in a plastic bag caught my eye...

Learn How to Effectively Litter Train Your Cats

If you are a new pet owner, it is only expected that you would want to know more about keeping a cat healthy and happy. Below are some tips on how to litter train your pet safely and effectively.

What Can I Spray on a Mattress to Stop Mildew From Spreading?

Mildew is a mold that thrives in wet, moist conditions. The key to removing and preventing mildew from spreading is to keep things dry and clean. Mildew will only grow or spread in certain conditions, such as on organic material like fabric-covered mattress, in warm temperatures above 77 degrees, an

Living in Style - Cat Condos Shopping Tips

Furniture for cats is a huge market in the US. With many of America's eighty million cats living exclusively within the safety of the indoors, owners literally furnish them with everything they need for a great feline life. The term "cat furniture" covers a variety of products, from p

Cat Food: What's in the Bag?

Learning to read cat food labels can be a daunting task, especially with those mysterious ingredients. Here's a detailed explanation of the ingredients listed in a popular 'premium' supermarket brand of cat food.