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Pets Cats : Pets & Animal
Looking for an Exotically Beautiful Cat? Check Out the Aby
The Cat Breed of the Week will be a weekly feature on, starting in April, 2015. It is my pleasure to introduce you to the lithe, lively, and lovely Abyssinian cat, fondly called the Aby. While the Aby was first named after Abyssinia (now known as Ethiopa), its origin was actually elsewhere
Irritable Bowel Syndrome Food for Cats
Irritable bowel syndrome is common affliction found in cats that often stems from an allergy. Symptoms frequent diarrhea, stomach pain, gas and bloating. Cats may act lethargic and feel generally unwell. The good news is that by changing your cat's diet, you can identify what foods cause digestive p
A Cat That Is Congested From Allergies
Feline allergies cause pet owners no end of misery as they try to determine what triggers the allergic response and which treatments work best. Congestion is a frequent, worrisome symptom that causes the cat to wheeze, sneeze and cough. Fortunately, treatment is available.
Why Is My Cat Sneezing Frequently?
Cats may sneeze frequently for many reasons, ranging from fairly minor issues to extremely serious medical conditions. A process of elimination can help you to determine whether you need to call and schedule an appointment with a veterinarian or whether other measures may help when your cat begins t
Easing the Symptoms of Urinary Infections in Cats, Naturally
Urinary infections in cats are common and are usually caused by a bacterial infection. Conventional treatment includes antibiotics to clear up the infection for a period of up to 14 days. Homeopathic approaches are also gaining in popularity where a combination of herbal ingredients are added to the
Keeping Your Cat Healthy
Cats need only be provided with decent shelter, food and water and they will be quite healthy most of the time.Like any other living thing, however, they can get sick and can come down with anything from a minor cold to a major ailment.
Costs With a Diabetic Cat
According to Feline Advisory Bureau, diabetes in cats is caused by a deficiency of insulin, the hormone that regulates uptake of glucose and other substances by tissue cells. Because not enough insulin is present to regulate the amount of glucose made and released by the liver, a diabetic cat has ab
Declawing a Cat? Why?
Why is cat declawing so widely practiced? Additionally, what are your alternatives? These questions and more answered!
Feline Arthritis Is Treatable
Don't you know that cats may suffer arthritis too? Like humans, cats may also feel the pain of arthritis.
Catnip Side Effects
Catnip, a popular member of the mint family, is commonly used as a psychoactive stimulant for domestic cats. Although few studies have investigated the biological effect that catnip has on cats, it is known to have a few mild side effects in human beings.
Cutest Cat Contest Picture Gallery: Santa Lucia
Is your cat the cutest cat in the world? is pleased to announce the Cutest Cat Picture Contest. Please read the rules carefully, then submit your Cutest Cat photo by following these Guidelines.
Cat Rectum Problems
Pet owners enjoy watching their pets' antics. These behaviors are often a primary source of some of the web's funniest videos. It is important for pet owners to realize, however, that some of the behaviors that they find to be so hilarious are actually the pet's way of communicating a problem. Su
Christmas Cats Picture Gallery: Rascal
Cats generally enjoy holidays, and Christmas and the other Winter holidays are no exception. Enjoy this picture of cats lounging by the Christmas tree, sometimes dressed in Christmas finery. Other Winter holiday cat photos are also most welcome here.
Caring for an Older Cat - Cat Health and Cat Care
Cats are living longer lives thanks to dedicated care from their humans, and advances in veterinary medicine. Most experts consider a cat's "senior years" to begin on her 10th birthday. After this point, the aging process begins to slow in even the most playful feline. Yet, with a lit
Tips For Bringing a New Cat Or Kitten in Your Home
Before picking up your new cat, you have to make some preparations with the shelter or breeder ahead of time, probably to provide them the towel for the kitten or cat in sleeping on for some days. By the time you pick up your new cat, put the towel you gave in the carrier while riding for home, and
Do You Like the Smell of a Dirty Litter Box in Your House?
How to keep your cat healthy and happy with a clean litter box. Litter boxes are an important issue that most of us would rather not think about, but we need to.
How to Make Homemade Flea Shampoo for Cats
Keeping your cat free from fleas can be a risky business; many mass-produced flea products contain potentially harmful and deadly ingredients. To keep your cat healthy and relatively flea-free, make your own shampoo at home with all-natural ingredients. Your cat will thank you and the environment w
How to Stop a Cat From Pooping on the Carpet
Inappropriate elimination is when a cat urinates or defecates outside the litter box in areas such as the furniture or floor. This behavior is messy, unsanitary, and may cause serious damage to your home. If your cat is defecating on the carpet, it may be the result of a serious medical condition,
Safe Cat Food For Health
For the cat lover, their cat is more than a pet; he or she is a valued member of the family. It is essential in maintaining your cat's health to feed a high-quality cat food. Many cat foods and treats claim to have the highest quality ingredients, but not all of them make the grade.